740.5/10–3051: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands 1


578. Paris tel 2483 Oct 27.2 Van Roijen called on Perkins Oct 30 to discuss Schuman remarks about Eur federation before Fon Press Assoc last Thurs. He said that The Hague thought than an effort to create an Eur polit assoc at this time was going too far too fast and that Schuman’s newest idea gave Hague some cause to review whole idea of EDF. He said that Hague had come a long way in resolving its original misgivings about EDF essentially down to two points, namely, question of common defense budget and question whether there shld be a single high commissioner for defense or a defense comite of three. He argued strongly for Dutch view that estab of a common Eur defense budget wld raise so many polit and constitutional problems as to make it difficult to see how Neth Parliament cld accept it. As for Dutch idea that there shld be a comite of three instead of a high commissioner for defense, he argued vigorously that members of a comite wld be more representative of the several interests involved and two members of such a comite cld be expected to have a realistic, sound and moderating influence on its chairman.

With respect Schuman’s remarks of last Thurs, Perkins read extracts from Bruce’s tel 2483. Van Roijen appeared somewhat less worried when he heard that neither Pleven’s nor Schuman’s recent speeches shld be considered as constituting new Fr initiative. He seemed particularly relieved to hear that Fr govt is still undecided how and when federation plan is to be formally launched.

With respect van Roijen’s remarks re EDF, Perkins replied along lines US has been fol since Ottawa and spelled out in some detail why, from US point of view, we considered it desirable that participants get on with job of bringing EDF into being.

In light of reports contained Hague’s 409, Oct 26, Paris’ 2484 Oct 27, and Brussels 595, Oct 29,3 gen tenor of van Roijen’s remarks gave some reason believe Dutch may be looking for some excuse back out of EDF, pulling Benelux partners with them, unless their views in opposition to common budget and high commissioner can be met. Embs Paris, Hague and Brussels requested continue report fully any further developments this direction.

  1. This telegram, which was repeated for information to Brussels and Paris, was drafted by Scott and approved by Perkins.
  2. In a speech to foreign correspondents in Paris on October 25, Foreign Minister Schuman proposed that the question of European political federation be taken up at the November session of the Council of Europe. Prime Minister Pleven had made similar remarks in a speech at Marseille several days earlier. The telegram under reference here reported Schuman’s explanation of his speech to Ambassador Bruce.
  3. Telegrams 409, October 26, from The Hague and 595, October 29, from Brussels, not printed, but see footnote 2, p. 902.