Paris Embassy files, 320 western bloc (military): Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State 1


542. European Army conference July 24 approved interim report to Governments. Copies of the 44-page report being airpouched together [Page 847] with informal translation.2 In approving report, conference noted point brought up earlier by Italians calling attention to restrictive features of peace treaty and need to remove them. Two specific observations of German delegation which likewise exceed framework of conference, having to do with (a) political status of Germany and (b) special financial considerations (that is, occupation costs), were also noted and by agreement incorporated in brief supplementary document3 to be transmitted to Governments separately but at same time. This document going forward to Department with report.

Alphand announced, and conference noted with gratification, that General Eisenhower has agreed detail observers to its further proceedings.4 There will be no interruption in conference work. Military and juridical committees resinned meetings today and financial committee will resume Friday or Saturday, outline for future work for all committees having been informally agreed upon yesterday. Plenary session yesterday was marked by homage which Blank paid to Alphand, and general good feeling and optimism concerning outcome.5

By agreement, Alphand held background press conference after meeting.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Frankfurt, London, Copenhagen, Brussels, Rome, Oslo, The Hague, Lisbon, Ottawa, and Luxembourg.
  2. For extracts from the translated report under reference, see supra.
  3. Not printed.
  4. General Michaelis was designated by General Eisenhower to serve as SHAPE observer at the European Army Conference.
  5. This appears to have been the last plenary session during 1951 of the European Army Conference. When the next phase of the conference began on September 3 (see telegram 1420, September 3, from Paris, p. 878), direction of the conference devolved upon the smaller Steering Committee.