740.5/6–2751: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State 1
top secret priority
Paris, June
27, 1951—7 p. m.
8138. Deptel 6988 June 21 (London Todep 538, Frankfort 8729)2 and Embtel 8043 June 23 (London 2163, Frankfort 1134)3. In handing us reply to our aide-mémoire of June 23, whose text of which appears in our immed fol tel,4 Wapler, Chief FonOff Atlantic Pact Division, made fol remarks:
- 1.
- Timing proposed in French reply came as close to that desired by us as was possible under circumstances. He added that first draft of report on Paris conference had already been completed.
- 2.
- Gen Ely cld now discuss Ger rearmament only on basis of his December instrs and these instructions cld not be changed until French Govt had closely examined conclusions of Paris and Bonn reports side by side. FonOff was particularly anxious that no discussions be undertaken with French rep tied to negative December instructions. (While Wapler did not mention this, new French Govt on basis election will be formed around July 10 and it will be this govt that will formulate new French position on German contribution.)
- 3.
- In response to question as to FonOff reaction to our proposed procedure, Wapler said he cld give only personal view at this time. In his opinion, which Embassy believes is probably shared by his superiors in FonOff, question of German contribution as political aspects, question cld have been settled on military grounds alone several months ago. Consequently Wapler’s personal view is that representation of three powers at July talks shld reflect essentially politico-military nature of question and diplomatic representatives (perhaps Perkins for US, Franks for UK, and Alphand for France) shld participate as well as representatives in standing group of three powers acting as military representatives their respective chiefs of staff.
- This telegram was repeated for information to Ambassadors Gifford and Spofford in London and to General Hays in Frankfurt.↩
- Ante, p. 786.↩
- Not printed, but see footnote 5, p. 788.↩
- Neither telegram 8142, June 27, from Paris, under reference here or the French Foreign Ministry aide-mémoire transmitted therein is printed. The aide-mémoire indicated that the French Government urged postponement of any tripartite discussions regarding the report of the Bonn meetings on German defense contribution until completion of the interim report of the European army conference and expressed a preference for the joint examination of the two reports by tripartite experts following a procedure agreed upon by the American, British, and French Governments after examination of both reports by each government. (740.5/6–2751)↩