740.5 MAP/5–2551: Telegram

The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Secretary of State 1

Depto 994. ToISA. Re Todep 4442 and Depto 958,3 have received letter from Belg dep informing me of action Van Zeeland has taken in consulting other NAT govts re council mtg. Copies this letter being circulated other deps in order that they may be fully informed consultation being carried out through normal diplomatic channel.

Re Belg Amb’s interview with SecState, we have noted preliminary comments made by latter. Question of timing is one which seems to us most difficult to decide and, unless present pace of certain NATO activities accelerated and decision reached fairly soon on possible CFM, believe may find that council mtg may not be possible much before time for annual mtg in conjunction with GA.

Concur that location of mtg depends largely on timing.

Re proposed agenda agree that association of Greece and Turkey might be ready for council consideration, although we will be in better position to assess this possibility in two or three weeks time. We will have further detailed comments on proposed agenda but believe that these shld be set forth in CD rather than in reply to Van Zeeland. Recommend that in reply to Van Zeeland US take position that refining and preparation of agenda is task which shld be entrusted to CD and that latter shld proceed with this work forthwith.

US dep staff is beginning preliminary work on substantive preparation for council mtg. Expect this work will continue for next month or so. We think it is most important that work we do here be in pace with Wash thinking and accordingly suggest that reps from State and Defense be sent to London at least five weeks before date of any proposed council meeting to assist in preparatory work. Will also consult OSR here.

  1. Repeated to Brussels.
  2. Supra.
  3. Not printed, but see footnote 2, supra.