Editorial Note
In pursuance of the matter of relocation of NATO bodies and restructuring of the Organization, Thomas Cabot sent a memorandum (drafted by Martin) to Acheson on February 9 enclosing a suggested aide-mémoire (also drafted by Martin) proposing the transfer to Paris of the Council Deputies, the newly formed Defense Production Board, and a projected successor to the DFEC, a Financial and Economic Board composed preferably of NATO-country representatives on the OEEC. Cabot recommended that Acheson inform the French and British Ambassadors of this American position and hand them the aide-mémoire. He further recommended that several days later the Ambassadors in the other NATO countries be instructed to inform those governments of the American view along the lines of the aide-mémoire. He recommended that Spofford, at the same time, be instructed to propose actions in the Council Deputies necessary to implement the decision. Finally he recommended that no publicity be given this position pending a NATO decision.
Action on this recommended procedure was delayed while the Department of State awaited the views of the Department of Defense on the transfer question and made an effort to determine what the British reaction would be to the terms of such a proposal. The memorandum and aide-mémoire were later returned to Cabot and are not printed (740.5/2–951). No answer to the memorandum or evidence of action taken on it have been found in the Department of State files.