740.5/12–1751: Telegram
The United States Delegation on the Temporary Council Committee to the Secretary of State 1
Repto 6250. Usdel Tcc 83. This cable reports TCC meeting 10:00 a. m., Dec 16.
1. Chairman reported general agreement reached previous night to go forward with discussion body of report during morning, with 12 Ministers meeting alone in afternoon to discuss question of method for forwarding report, especially country annexes, and future course of work.
2. Discussion proceeded on Part III of report. Kristensen repeated his previous argument will be difficult hold down consumption to levels assumed and indicated might be necessary revise statement in pre-Lisbon meeting after receiving govt comments. He suggested section on economic expansion shld contain reference to liberalization of trade as aid to increased production. Agreed that Marjolin shld redraft along lines of discussion, indicating figures on increases GNP and percentage available defense not precise, but indicate order of magnitude.
3. In discussion of coal section, Chairman brought out this is most important single econ problem in Europe, but stated that OEEC appeared most suitable body to study problem. TCC agreed to suggestion that report shld urge govts to seek solution to problem in OEEC.
[Page 385]4. Agreed amend Part III, para 10, subpara IV, to cover all steels not just special steels, and agreed report shld suggest that NAT “comite of five” shld study problems in section on social policy.
5. Van Houtte proposed addition to section re increased social security, wording of which led to exchange with Monnet, who stated problem as one of bringing Belgium up to standards of others. Chairman suggested wording be “an adequate and broadly based system of social security fosters social stability and increased production,” which was agreed.
6. Postponed consideration sections on internal security and EPU until agreed working group draft cld be circulated. (Working group agreed draft at 4:00 a. m. this morning.)
7. Chairman mentioned that section on balance payments called for wise and timely action by US. Mentioned that question of Canadian deficit with US cld be discussed bilaterally outside comite. Wilgress proposed mention in para 30 of expenditures of Canadian forces in Eur, which was agreed. Also agreed between Chairman and Wilgress that Canadian and US military shld be urged to seek all feasible ways of purchasing needed supplies for forces in Eur from Eur sources.
8. Re offshore procurement, Kristensen asked whether adequate machinery existed to see that prompt action was taken. Stated Denmark had attempted discuss with DPB after Danish review by TCC, but was told was too early to discuss details. Chairman expressed hope military and civilian supply and production side of NATO cld be so strengthened matter cld be facilitated there. Until organization strengthened, best way to make progress is for US to deal bilaterally with others. Upon return to States wld do everything possible to see that civilian and military missions work together to get on as fast as possible with program, pending putting in more multilateral setting.
9. Agreed on Monnet suggestion that govts especially US, be requested report on specific steps taken to speed up offshore procurement action when commenting on TCC report. Agreed request such reports by govts on actions taken pursuant para 20 of “summary of findings” (Part I) to be made to TCC at pre-Lisbon meeting.
10. No discussion “longer term implications,” except observation by Bonnet that he may later offer elaboration last para dealing with maintenance problem.
11. Re para 1, Part IV, Belgium strongly argued for omitting “generally” in TCC recommendation that SCS standards and recommendations be generally followed. Chairman, supported by Neths and France, stated understood cld not be accepted by some countries on that basis and favored retention, on grounds not unduly weakening and realistic. Agreed. Substitute for last eight lines, commenting on SCS standards for combat units and level of equipment prepared in collaboration with SHAPE staff, agreed.
[Page 386]12. Portugal, in commenting on proposal change terms reference NATO commands to estab equipment priorities, hoped there wld be some priorities for Portugal and offered to place Port ground forces under SACEUR for training purposes. Discussion indicated that question shld be handled in MC.
13. Re Part V, Hirschfield indicated great sympathy with general discussion NATO reorganization, but requested fuller statement views of EB re top civilian organization. Pointed out were proposing strengthening military commands and appointing director general, thus requiring clarification top civil continuing body. He favored strengthening Deps by creating Council of Ministers which cld meet frequently and deal with entire range of NATO problems.
14. Kristensen backed a Council of Ministers replacing Deps. Proposed TCC request govts for comments to be discussed in TCC meeting pre-Lisbon so TCC cld provide specific recommendations for action by Council then.
15. Chairman stated had had opportunity discuss problem several times with reps of number of govts. Sensed a general recognition of govts of need to strengthen NATO and its work. However, if TCC tries to be too precise in its recommendations now, wld find it difficult to agree, since there are several different approaches under consideration. Doubted that TCC was best body to work this out and believed TCC shld leave open to govts to refer to TCC if they wish. Agreed action shld, if possible, be taken at Lisbon. Preferred say nothing specific in TCC report about Deps, pointing out they will be hard at work before Lisbon in reconciling govt positions on wide range of problems. Wilgress cited action Council at Rome, asking Deps to report at Lisbon on NATO reorganization.
16. Chairman believed preferable for Pearson as Chairman Council to take leadership on method of considering reorganization. Since need govt agreements he wld be in better position to arrange. TCC not in best position to assume responsibility, but agreed shld be some action before Lisbon or nothing will be done there. Monnet stated that all TCC work wld be wasted if no reorganization. Suggested matter be kept open for discussion in closed meeting of 12 Ministers alone this afternoon. Agreed.
17. Closed meeting now in progress.
- Repeated to all NATO capitals and Heidelberg for Handy.↩