740.5/12–651: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London1


Todep 395. Grk Amb called under instrs his govt state that Grk wished participate in work of TCC. Under assumption Grk and Turk will be full members NATO when NAC meets Lisbon, Feb 2, Grk Govt wished make sure its econ-mil-fin situation will be considered in same manner as that other NAT countries. We sought dispel certain possible false impressions as to nature TCC and its objective, and in particular, that it was primarily an aid allotment device. We highlighted primary purpose TCC to marry max fin and econ capabilities with mil requirements so that best possible def posture on mil and econ fronts will be achieved. We expressed our hope Lisbon wld provide the climax for activities which have been going on in NATO during past two years and that govts will stand up and be counted as to measures which they will take in order achieve our common security in light of TCC recommendations.

We explained to Grk Amb work of TCC was approaching its final stage and that we did not see how it wld be possible, regardless of the fact that Grk is not yet a full member of NATO, to interrupt work of TCC in order fit in the new Grk piece of the puzzle. Furthermore, we pointed out that Grk’s econ and fin capabilities represented only one aspect of problem which also required careful study of mil requirements for def of the Grk-Turk bastion of NATO. We expressed the opinion that a TCC type operation for Grk and Turk cld only be satisfactorily accomplished later when Standing Group and MRCs will have had the opportunity in concert with Grk and Turk staffs carefully to work out mil requirements and plans for the area.

Dept has wondered, however, if it might not be useful if Grk and Turk Govts were supplied with TCC Questionnaires which have been [Page 370] answered by NAT countries. This might give Grk and Turk Govts familiarity with TCC operation and shld cause them to marshal facts and figures which wld permit speedier “Grk-Turk TCC operation” after admission these two countries and after determination mil requirements and plans Eastern Area NATO.

On balance we are inclined believe that Grk and Turk wrestling with Questionnaires without background and detailed guidance cld be contra-productive. Instead it might be more useful and realistic to have NACDeps invite Grk and Turk Govts to send each a rep to London. The purpose wld be to have these reps work with the Dep’s Internatl Staff to acquire NATO background and history and familiarize themselves with NATO procedures and activities. One of these activities wld be the TCC. From security pt of view we have checked with Standing Group and find out that above initiative wld be possible prior to Grk and Turk full membership. According to findings of Standing Group security mission to Grk and Turk, winter 1950–51, reps cld receive Cosmic clearance if they hold T.S. security clearance by their respective natl security auths.

USDep and USDel TCC pls comment.

  1. Drafted by Knight and cleared with Porter of GTI, Martin of EUR, Brown of H, Ernst of Defense, and Parsons of RA; repeated for action to Paris for USDel TCC and for information to Ankara and Athens.