740.5/10–451: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London1
Todep 215. Implementation for Rome mtg of Ottawa res on Item IV of agenda (C7-D/21)2 calls for estimate of rel strength and capabilities NATO and Sov Bloc, among other things with respect to mil forces, indus and econ resources.
After consultation with Spofford, US intell agencies thru the IAC preparing brief estimate on Sov Bloc capabilities and intentions thru 1954 for negot with other members Standing Grp and submission to NATO Rome. This estimate to include mil, polit, and econ sections. (Note “intentions” incl altho not mentioned Ottawa Res.) There then remain (a) estimate NATO strength and capabilities (b) reports on production programs, finan and econ efforts as called for in paras 3, 4, and 5 ref doc.
Presumably (b) above being handled by Def Production Board and Finan and Econ Board as called for in ref doc.
Ans to (a) above with respect to NATO force also being prepared by Standing Grp for submittal to Mil Comte. This leaves as remaining item estimate of NATO indus and econ resources for use in comparison with estimate of strength and capability of Sov Bloc. Believe this cld be done by Deputies using internatl staff to compile data submitted by various NATO countries or in conjunction with reports listed (b) above. Assume Deputies will arrange.
Also assume this list will be primarily factual in character. Are prepared provide US Reps with eyes only appraisals of situation in the other NATO countries this respect. Will not do so without further word from you.
- Drafted by Fisher Howe, Deputy Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Intelligence, and Martin of RA and cleared with the Standing Group and Dulles of CIA; repeated to Paris for MacArthur.↩
- For documentation concerning the approval of this resolution during the Seventh Session of the North Atlantic Council in Ottawa, see telegram Secto 28 from Ottawa, September 20, p. 686.↩