61. Despatch From the Station in Iran to the Central Intelligence
Tehran, January 10, 1952.
[Despatch number not declassified]
- General—Operational
- Specific—Summary of Remarks and Opinions Expressed by Mulla Ayatolla Kashani—5
Following transmitted for the record only as it may contribute to further
operations involving the penetration of Kashani’s group.
1. Attached hereto (Attachment 1) is a summary of remarks and opinions
expressed by Mulla Ayatolla
Kashani during a conversation [less
than 1 line not declassified] on 5 January 1952.
2. The conversation [less than 1 line not
declassified] and took place in a house chosen by Kashani in the Shimran suburb of
Tehran on 5 January. [1½ lines not declassified]
It was explained [less than 1 line not
declassified] to Kashani that we had nothing to ask of Kashani, nor anything
[Page 171]
specific to discuss with him;
but that the reason for the meeting was to afford an opportunity for a
frank, informal, friendly exchange of views.
3. Kashani immediately began
attacking American policy of “siding with the British” in Iran, being
most outspoken in his views. His criticism against the United States
appeared to begin with “America’s imposition of Razmara on the Iranian people.” He
singled out U.S. Attaché Gerald
Dooher for special condemnation, and recalled Dooher’s interview with him during
which the former tried to get him to support Razmara’s candidacy for premiership.
Kashani stated that pious
American claims to not interfere in internal Iranian affairs were belied
by Wiley’s and Dooher’s support of Razmara. He also attacked the United
States for its support of the British position in Egypt.
4. [1½ lines not declassified] it is felt that a
personal relationship with Kashani over a period of time may serve to give this
Station a better insight into the character and significance of this
most important Iranian and Middle Eastern political figure.
5. In Attachment 2 is a brief analysis of Kashani as a person as could be gathered in one two-hour
name not declassified
Attachment 1
Summary of remarks made by Mulla Ayatolla Kashani during
conversation [less than 1 line not
declassified] on 5 January 1952
1. Iran wants nothing from the United States save to be left alone
and to have American influence used to prevent other
powers—particularly Great Britain—from interferring in Iranian
affairs. If Iran could be left strictly alone and not be molested by
foreign powers it could become a rich and populace nation, even
without benefit of its oil resources.
2. My desires, towards which my activities are directed are twofold:
namely (1) prevention of a third World War in which the Middle East
is involved and (2) opposition to the spread of Communism in Iran.
In order to realize these aims three steps are necessary. We would
like to have the co-operation and support of the United States in
carrying out these three steps which I shall describe as
A. Aid enabling the small nations with their weak governments to
become strong and prosperous and—above all—truly independent.
B. Removal of all traces of the old imperialism. To bring this about
the United States must use its international power and influence in
support of the exploited colonial peoples and specifically to make
it clear to
[Page 172]
Britain and
France that the United States will not tolerate their imperialistic
3. [C.] Bring about the unity and co-operation
of the various Islamic countries so that the Near and Middle East by
mutual co-operation may better resist Communism.
3. Communism
With regard to Communism in Iran the influence of the Moslem religion
and more specifically my own influence has done and will do more to
oppose Communism than $23,000,000 or even $23 billion of American
4. The next most effective way of preventing Communism in the Middle
East is for the Western powers to abandon their Imperialistic
approach. Persistence of England and France in a colonial policy
will only drive the Middle Eastern peoples into the arms of the
5. Point Four and Military Aid From U.S.
I have advised the Prime Minister that Iran should not accept the
$23,000,000 Point Four aid offered by the United States if there are
any strings whatsoever attached which restrict Iran’s Sovereignty,
neutrality, or liberty of action. We do not need the aid that
6. Similarly I do not believe that Iran should continue to accept
military aid so long as it binds Iran to any commitments
inconsistent with Iran’s Sovereignty.
(Station Note: Although wording cannot be recalled, Kashani gave the impression that
he was not in favor of military aid anyway.)
7. Solution of the Oil Problem
The World Bank, like other international organizations is primarily
motivated by its interest in preserving the privileges of the large
powers and is not truly dedicated to helping the smaller nations.
(Station Note: The United Nations support of Iran during the
Azerbaijan Democratic separatist movement in 1946 was pointed out to
Kashani as an example
of United Nations support of weak nations. Kashani said that basically the
larger Western nations who control the United Nations were motivated
by wholly selfish interests in their 1946 protection of Iran. The
United Nations has not acted similarly in the defense of Iran
against British pressure.)
If the World Bank sincerely wishes to find an acceptable solution to
Iran’s oil problem, the following three principles must be adhered
A. Absolutely no British nationals may be employed in Iran.
B. The Iranian board of management must have supreme power over the
Iranian oil industry. The Iranian board of management must have
power to hire and fire foreign technicians.
C. Foreign technicians hired by the Iranian oil company should be
replaced by Iranian technicians as soon as Iranian technicians can
be trained.
[Page 173]
8. The greatest assistance which could be rendered by the United
States in solving Iran’s oil problem would be for the United States
to immediately purchase some Iranian oil—even a small quantity—and
arrange delivery of it. This symbol would “open the door” and show
to the World that others can freely buy Iranian oil. The British
blockade would be broken.
9. Middle East Pan-Moslem Activities
I am concerned with Imperialistic activities throughout the Middle
East and Africa. I maintain intimate contacts throughout the Moslem
world and am kept informed about the imperialistic actions of the
French in Morocco and the Jezireh (Syria) and the British actions in
Egypt. I have contacts also in India and Pakistan. If the United
States persists in backing the British and French policy in these
countries it will lose the friendship of the Middle East. (Station
Note: Other remarks made by Kashani on this subject clearly revealed that he
hoped for a Pan-Moslem Union, was working toward this goal, and had
certain personal ambitions in this direction.)
10. American Contact
It is my desire that our contact be continued. It should be mutually
beneficial for the United States and Iran if our contact be carried
(Station Note: [3½ lines not
Attachment 2
Kashani is unique amongst
Persians insofar as he avoids couching or disguising his remarks in
flowery politeness. He is blunt, sometimes to the point of rudeness,
and is candid. His tactics, during the conversation in question at
least, were to sharply criticise and attack Americans at the
beginning, then shift to a more soothing treatment—presumably
calculated to show that he is not a complete enemy of the United
He has a definite sense of humor, and a devilish glint in his
expressive eyes. But from the role of kindly old man he can abruptly
switch to a tyranical attitude of fierceness. His voice quavers when
he talks which fact does not however detract from his
He exhibits a definite megalomania, characterized not only by obvious
vanity but by his trying to monopolize the conversation, not
allowing others in a conversation to finish their sentences, disdain
for the words of others etc. He is a most difficult individual to
talk with.
Kashani is not a logical
or judicious thinker. He gives the appearance of being greatly
motivated by emotion but above all by personal ambition. Kashani thinks in grandiose
terms of Middle East crusades
[Page 174]
against Western Imperialism. While most
Persian politicians are solely concerned with their role and
position within Iran, it is obvious that Kashani’s aspirations are
greater. He appears to be personally concerned with what occurs in
Morocco, Israel, Syria, Pakistan and India and claims to be well
informed as to events throughout the Middle East.
Kashani exudes a certain
conspiratorial air, the air of a man who thoroughly enjoys intrigue.
He lowers his voice to whisper when particularly important points
are made. He showed genuine concern when other callers were
announced during the conversation. His son, rather than a servant,
served tea. [1½ lines not declassified]