318. Memorandum From the Chief of the Iran Branch, Near East and Africa Division, Directorate of Plans (Waller) to Director of Central Intelligence Dulles1


  • Transmittal of Texts of Messages Sent By Prime Minister Zahedi and Prime Minister Churchill

At your request, made during the NSC briefing given to you 15 September, the texts of Prime Minister Zahedi’s personal message to Prime Minister Churchill, and Prime Minister Churchill’s reply to Prime Minister Zahedi are herein repeated.

Personal and Secret Message Sent By Prime Minister Zahedi to Prime Minister Churchill on 3 September:

“Everything I suffered at British hands is forgotten. The centuries-old friendship between Britain and Iran, which was temporarily broken by mischief-makers, must be restored.

“I want Iran to be one family with Britain and America, to stand firmly hand-in-hand against Soviet Communism. To survive, we must act as one. I pledge my hand.

“Because of Iran’s present condition, she is in need of friendship. She will accept friendly gestures as only proud and dignified people can do, recognizing at the same time the dignity and nobility which prompt friends to give her assistance.

“This is spoken to you from a soldier’s heart, withholding nothing from a greater soldier whom I greatly admire and respect.”

Personal and Secret Reply to Above Sent By Prime Minister Churchill to Prime Minister Zahedi on 8 September:

“I am very glad to receive your message and congratulate you on coming to the rescue of your ancient land and preserving its constitutional monarchy. You may be sure that Britain will welcome the revival of our centuries old friendship. We ought to be able to find ways of helping each other and we are certainly willing to play our part. I shall always be very glad to hear from you.”

The above messages were transmitted via CIA channels.

John H. Waller
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DDI Files, Job 80R01443R, Box 1, Folder 33, NSC Briefing 17 Sept 53. Top Secret; Security Information.