302. Letter From President Eisenhower to Iranian Prime Minister Zahedi1
I have received your letter of August 26 regarding the problems which you face in Iran. The American people continue to be deeply interested in the independence of Iran and the well-being of the Iranian people. We have followed policies in Iran, as in other countries of the free world, designed to assist peoples of those countries to bring about economic development which will lead to higher standards of living and wider horizons in knowledge and opportunity. I am gratified that the aid which we have extended has contributed to the security of Iran and to the raising of the technical efficiency of the Iranian people. I am also pleased to have your assurance that your Government desires to [Page 721] maintain friendly relations with other members of the family of nations and that it will pursue a policy of eliminating such differences as may exist or which may develop with other countries in a spirit of friendliness and in accordance with accepted principles of international intercourse.
In an effort to assist you in dealing with your immediate problems, I have authorized my Ambassador to Iran to consult with you regarding the development of our aid programs there. I recognize that your needs are pressing. Your request will receive our sympathetic consideration and I can assure you that we stand ready to assist you in achieving the aspirations for your country which you have outlined.2
Please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration.
- Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Iran, 1953–58(8), Box 32. The text of the letter is printed from a White House press release of September 1. The letter is also printed in Public Papers: Eisenhower, 1953, pp. 579–580.↩
- The White House announced on September 5 that $45 million would be made available for immediate economic assistance to Iran, in addition to the existing military and technical assistance programs. (Ibid., p. 581)↩
- Printed from a copy with this typed signature and an indication that the President signed the original.↩