296. Telegram From the Station in Iran to the Central Intelligence Agency1
TEHE 765. 1. Tudeh discipline appears to have been broken. This particularly noticeable between hard-core, rigidly disciplined element composed of leaders, functionaries, and responsibles, and ordinary rank and file.
2. It definite that working arrangement obviously dominated by Tudeh, has been reached among Pan Iran, Third Force, Bazaari loyal to Mossadeg, and Tudeh.
3. Tudeh’s tactics call for no action in party’s own name, but infiltration of pro-Shah groups for purpose of incitement such groups to violence, arson, etc. in name of Shah. This to blacken reputation new regime.
4. Tudeh planning no action in own name until there evidence of organized activity on part Iran army officers loyal to Mossadeg. (Field comment: Strong implication here, which probably true, that Tudeh trying organize such officers in conjunction Tudeh-controlled officers.)
5. Cells instructed in early morning to turn in to party all firearms and ammunition to enable party centralize available weapons. (Field comment: There several unconfirmed reports re locations centralized arms stores and issuance arms from these places.)
[Page 714]6. Party leaders and high level functionaries hiding out at homes lesser functionaries and responsibles where planning sessions being held.
7. Cells have been reorganized into three-man cells. (Field comment: Previously cells have consisted of 8 individuals.) Primary internal party emphasis appears to be on maintaining communications and contact with membership.
8. Wash only: [less than 1 line not declassified].
End of message.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency. Secret. Transcribed specifically for the Foreign Relations series from microfilm in the Central Intelligence Agency that no longer exists. See “Sources” chapter. A typed notation indicates that this telegram was transmitted at 0033Z, August 22. ↩