240. Memorandum From the Chief of the Near East and Africa Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency (Roosevelt) to Mitchell1
The following was received 15 July:
1. Zahedi claims to have following military assets, and has following plan of action:
2. Military figures to take active part:
A. Col. Timur Bakhtiar, temporary milgov Isfahan and Khuzistan.
B. Col. H. Akhavi, Chief Army Transport.
C. Gen. Derakshan, Asst. Chief Police.
D. Gen. Daftari, Commander Customs Guards.
E. Col. Nasiri of Imperial Guard.
3. Plan action (assuming Shah’s cooperation).
A. Since Zahedi unwilling “political suicide” by extra-legal move, he expects gain legal status for move in one of following ways:
(1) Shah to appoint Zahedi Prime Minister on grounds that Mossadeq forfeited office by “unconstitutional acts”.
(2) Shah to dismiss Mossadeq without appointing successor; Zahedi temporary Military Governor “pending selection of Prime Minister by Majlis”.
(3) Shah appointment Zahedi to replace Riahi as Chief Staff; immediate arrest Riahi by Zahedi.
(4) Shah’s appointment Zahedi Minister Court; immediate isolation Amini, present Min Court.
B. Implementation of one of above would trigger following series operations:
(1) Two gordons (battalions) Shah’s Imperial Guard (ie apparently the entire Guard) under Col. Nasiri, secure area around Royal Court and Prime Minister’s home, arrest Mossadeq and entourage.
(2) Transportation units under Col. Akhavi take over radio Tehran and Army radio.
(3) Imperial Guards, police under Derakshan, and Customs Guards (station note: very small group) control streets overnight.
(4) Next morning, 10 battalions troops from provinces (station note: presumably under Col. Bakhtiar) arrive in Tehran to support new govt.
[Page 632]C. To prevent possibility Shah might weaken during “take over” and order troops out of action (as during Qavam incident year ago) Zahedi proposes remain constantly at Shah’s side until crisis past.
4. Zahedi claims success in gaining any one of four legal acts (para 3A) would assure him immediate backing Army and Tehran Mil Gov Ashrafi. Without one of legal acts he unwilling make any move.
5. [less than 1 line not declassified] Zahedi has selected key figures and deputies proposed govt with exception Chief Staff who probably one of following:
A. Gen. Batmanqlich (favored by Zahedi).
B. Gen. Vosak, former Chief Gendarmérie.
C. Gen. Hedayatl, former Min Defense.
D. Gen. Ali Reza Jahanbani, former Chief Sports Clubs.
[2 paragraphs (9 lines) not declassified]
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DDO Files, Job 80–01701R, Box 3, Folder 12, Misc. Correspondence—TPAJAX. Secret. The recipient is referred to as “Mr. Mitchell” in the original and is not further identified.↩