229. Letter From Director of Central Intelligence Dulles to the Administrative Director of the Department of Law and Public Safety in New Jersey (Schwarzkopf)1

Dear General Schwarzkopf:

Mr. Waller has filled me in fully on his meeting with you. I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your willingness to cooperate.2 Individuals such as yourself who have long records of achievement and devotion to the national service are those to whom we thankfully turn in time of need.

Mr. Waller will get in touch with you as soon as plans have progressed to the point that we can begin briefing you and establish your definite date of departure. I realize that you will want to clear your departure with the Governor and Attorney General at the earliest possible date. We will give you guidance as to when and how this should be done consistent with maximum security.

Sincerely yours,
Allen W. Dulles3
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DDO Files, Job 80–01701R, Box 3, Folder 12, Misc. Correspondence—TPAJAX. Personal and Confidential. Drafted by Waller.
  2. See Document 227.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.