761.56/10–2450: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union
270. Re two notes to Sov Emb June 15 (ends 14, 15 Instr 52 June 221) and Ambs conversation with Gromyko (Emb Tel 75 [301] Aug 4) Re lend-lease settlement negots.
No replies to June 15 notes. In accord with view in Thorp’s memo to Webb June 72 (encl 17 Instr 52) i.e. we shld continue press Sov Govt lend-lease obligations, Dept feels fol up now appropriate to Gromyko along fol lines:
“Re our conversation Aug 4 and two notes transmitted by US Govt to Sov Emb in Washington June 15 Re the obligations of USSR Govt arising from Master Lend-Lease Agreement of June 11, 1942.
“You will recall my Govt in note of June 15 made certain proposals in effort to bring these protracted lend-lease negots to speedy and mutually satis conclusion. Specifically proposed that reps of our two Govts resume discussions in Washington on or before July 15 on basis of fair and reasonable offer to be made by Sov Govt. Further proposed that naval experts meet concurrently to discuss procedures for return of 186 naval vessels, return of which formally requested by my Govt as long ago as Oct 7, 1948, as well as the disposition of remaining naval craft and merchant vessels in custody of Sov Govt.
“Re patent matter which was subj second June 15 Note US Govt fails to understand contd refusal by Sov Govt to honor obligation. View your statement Sov Emb Washington had competence through experts under its auth US Govt requests Sov Govt to immed instruct Sov Emb Washington make compensation settlement with remaining six patent holders without further delay.
[Page 1317]“In course our conversation Aug 4 you stated not sufficient time allowed for proposed resumption negots, but that my Govt’s notes June 15 being considered and replies wld be made in due course.
“Over two months elapsed since our last conversation without replies from Sov Govt to our June 15 notes having been reed by my Govt. View of undeniable obligation of Sov Govt re compensation of US patent holders, return of 186 naval vessels and over-all settlement of Lend-Lease account US Govt request prompt replies to notes of June 15.”