961.61/6–2550.: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State 1

1728. Following is brief synopsis Pravda leading article June 24 under heading “conspirators against peace, against UN”:

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Peace movement, which has become one of central themes contemporary life, is rapidly growing and becoming more effective. At same time bankruptcy US policy increasingly evident, and “total propaganda” US leaders intended simply to mask this bankruptcy. Despite claims Acheson and others rift between US and European allies clearly evidenced by “monumental failure” recent London conference. Even broad masses Americans are alarmed and dissatisfied with course US policy. In recent weeks Truman and Acheson have vainly attempted to stave off this growing discontent by hysterical statements on Communist danger, and “blackmailing character new campaign is more than obvious”. Thus “total diplomacy with its methods intimidation and brow-beating is addressed not only to outside world but also against American people. Conspiracy of reactionary Wall Street clique against peace is conspiracy of handful warmongers against all people, including American people.”

On international plane “failure of policy of American warmongers stands out even more sharply. One of symptoms of contemporary international atmosphere is growing isolation of warmongers”. Ordinary man everywhere is averse to war, and he “charges US with urging world on to third world war”. Cornered, US leaders attempt to disguise their policy as “defensive”, as shown by Acheson suggestion that phrase “cold war” be discarded. But “this forced verbal juggling will deceive no one”. Hysterical rage of imperialists evidenced by “Truman’s message on delivery arms to foreign states which recently sent Congress”.2 It was “unprecedentedly crude and cynical propagandation of policy of aggression and international adventure”.

Acheson policy statement envisaging creation “situations of strength” in world clearly “leaves no room for policy peaceful international cooperation thereby undermining basis on which UN built. Conspiracy American imperialists against peace includes as component conspiracy against UN.” Soviet Union on other hand has always stood for turning UN into effective organ international cooperation, as shown Stalin’s press statement March 22, 1946.3 American efforts chiefly directed at destroying “fundamental principle” UN, namely at “dynamiting cooperation between five great powers” through use “clandestine combinations” or notorious “voting machine”.

Atlantic Pact unquestionably is one of main elements in conspiracy against peace, being weapon “aggressive desires of narrow group of rulers”. As such it stands opposed to will majority world’s people who support the “clear-cut proposals of USSR for conclusion peace pact [Page 1212] between USA, Britain, France, China and USSR, for unconditional ban on atomic weapons, for reduction armaments five powers by one-third,”

Thus where US rulers hypocritically profess allegiance to UN in fact their main efforts devoted to its disruption. Were it not for fear “causing sharp explosion of protest from millions of people world over, US conspirators would have brought their subversive work to logical conclusion” through liquidation UN.

  1. This telegram was relayed to the U.S. Mission at the United Nations on June 25 at 1:41 p. m.
  2. For the text of the Special Message to the Congress on Military Aid, sent on June 1, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1950, pp. 445–449.
  3. The replies by Stalin to the questions submitted by Eddy Gilmore, chief of the Moscow Bureau of the Associated Press, were printed by Soviet newspapers on March 23; see Foreign Relations, 1946, vol. vi, pp. 725726.