511.614/4–450: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State 1
Moscow, April 4,
1950—8 p. m.
1032. Embtel 901, March 21.
- 1.
- Embassy’s immediately following telegram (1033, April 42) gives translation (with omission unessential words) of Vyshinsky’s note March 31 in reply Embassy note March 21 (despatch 370, March 253).
- 2.
- No change Soviet position Amerika.
- 3.
- We plan request payment for January, February, March issues Amerika, January payment especially being overdue. This may cause Soyuzpechat attempt return “unsold” copies. Embassy can, of course, refuse accept delivery but Soyuzpechat presumably will pay only for those copies it admits were “sold”. Further, returned copies which are undated may be useful as “handouts” in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere.
- 4.
- We feel Department must reach early decision as to whether it worthwhile attempting continue magazine in face apparent Soviet intention effectually to prevent it being read.
- 5.
- In view expense and improbability Amerika will reach any appreciable number Soviet readers, we doubt it in our interest continue and feel timely cessation publication basis issues involved considerably preferable gradual strangulation. Since British Foreign Office foresees early demise “British Ally” (Embtel 1031, April 44), we suggest Department discuss with British along this line with view both magazines ceasing publication same time. Simultaneous cessation would enhance publicity effect and explanatory statements might underline point that Soviet action taken against free world’s publications and not just against Amerika.
- 6.
- Meantime recommend that only 35,000 copies future issues be published, of which only 25,000 be forwarded Moscow for distribution (balance presumably could be utilized Germany, Austria, Poland, and other areas).
- 7.
- In present circumstances we feel that to pursue further offer of lower price for Amerika would confuse basic issue and weaken US position.