124.663/5–1850: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Romania 1


164. Urtel 352, May 15.2 Dept considers that prolonged delay in replying Rum demand of May 13 for reduction Leg staff suggested [Page 1064] urtel 356, May 18,3 runs too great hazard further Rum move in near future in nature ultimatum similar recent Czech demand.4

Accordingly, it is desired that you address FonMin fol note to be delivered prior ur departure (Legtel 354, May 165):

“I have honor refer note MinFonAff of RPR under date May 13 in response a note of Mar 15 from AmLeg.

I am directed by my Govt to state that it cannot admit as conforming generally accepted principles and practices internatl comity that a receiving state shld attempt arbitrarily and unilaterally to determine composition dipl Mission of a state with which it maintains relations. Moreover, my Govt wholly rejects pretexts which RumGovt puts forward as basis its demand for reduction US representation Rum.

In line with evidences of RumGovt’s attitude and actions toward US and AmLeg over past several years, Ministry’s note makes clear that RumGovt is not disposed further interests of two countries in maintenance normal dipl relations.

Accordingly, US Govt, while reserving its rights and customary privileges, intends reduce official personnel its leg Bucharest to conform situation created by arbitrary attitude of RumGovt, as indicated in Min’s note of May 13, 1950. This reduction is premised on understanding that RumGovt will in future take prompt action upon visa applications for replacement members of leg staff.”

View mounting harassments by RumGovt against leg, Dept has decided institute travel restrictions on Rumleg personnel in US (Deptcirgam Aug 19, 1949, 8:10 AM, Deptel 145, May 1; Legtel 330, May 36). With this in mind, Dept desires you make strong effort on basis ur imminent deparature schedule appt with FonMin or at least with Preoteasa or Toma and connection delivery above note orally [Page 1065] inform FonOff along lines suggested Deptel 150, May 47 and in addition make fol points:

Because of restrictions to which Leg has been subjected increasingly over past three years by Rum auths, US Govt is reviewing situation of RumLeg Wash.

Since, in general contravention internatl comity and in particular contravention existing Consular Agreement between US and Rum, RumGovt has seen fit impose severe travel restrictions upon US dipl and consular reps in Rum, US Govt has decided apply comparable restrictions on movements official Rum personnel within US. RumLeg Wash and MinFonAff will presently be informed precise nature such restrictions and terms of obtaining permission to travel within US. In acting upon requests by Rum officers for travel US Govt will have in view current extent of courtesy accorded by Rum auths to Amer officials in Rum.

Dept strongly hopes you will be able make above presentation in person. If it proves impossible obtain appt with high FonOff official before ur departure you may transmit note and have Williams8 make informal statement soonest thereafter. Pls report whether FonOff fails schedule appt for you even in knowledge ur intended departure.

Dept contemplates, on receipt Leg’s notification delivery note and oral communication, immed informing RumLeg here terms travel restrictions.9

Our views on restaffing will be tele soonest.

  1. This telegram instruction was drafted by the Office of Eastern European Affairs and was cleared by other appropriate offices of the Department of State and by Acting Secretary Webb.

    On May 19, Acting Secretary Webb discussed the Romanian demand for reduction of the Legation staff in Bucharest with Senator Tom Connally of Texas, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin, ranking active Republican member of the Committee, and Francis O. Wilcox, Chief of Staff of the Committee. The Senators understood and approved the action the Department of State was undertaking. (Memorandum by Acting Secretary of State Webb, May 19: 611.66/5–1950)

  2. Supra.
  3. Not printed. In it Minister Schoenfeld suggested that the United States reject the Romanian demand for the reduction of the Legation staff and reiterate the American desire to facilitate the mutual issuance of visas for personnel needed by the American Legation in Bucharest and the Romanian Legation in Washington. Schoenfeld believed that the underlying question in the matter was whether or not the Romanian regime was determined to force the withdrawal of the American mission. He thought that an attempt should be made to keep the situation open in an effort to ascertain the real motivation of Romanian authorities (124.663/5–1850).
  4. For documentation on Czechoslovak demands for a reduction of the personnel of the American Embassy in Praha, see pp. 526 ff.
  5. The return of Minister Schoenfeld to Washington for consultation had been under consideration for some months but had been delayed pending favorable action by the Romanian Government on the visa application of James W. Gantenbein, Counselor-Designate to the Legation in Bucharest. Telegram 150, May 4, to Bucharest, not printed, authorized Minister Schoenfeld to inform the Romanian Foreign Ministry that the Department of State urgently wished him to return to Washington for consultation for an indefinite period. In the absence of a favorable action on Gantenbein’s visa application, Minister Schoenfeld was obliged to leave the Legation in the charge of a junior officer. Schoenfeld was to inform the Romanian Foreign Ministry that the Department of State recognized the misinterpretation which public opinion might place upon the fact that the Legation was left in the charge of a junior officer, but the Romanian Government’s “inexcusable tactics” left no alternative (123 Schoenfeld, Rudolf E.). In the telegram under reference here, not printed, Schoenfeld stated that he planned to depart about May 24 (123 Schoenfeld, Rudolf E.).
  6. None printed.
  7. See footnote 5, above.
  8. Murat W. Williams, Third Secretary of the Legation in Bucharest.
  9. Regarding Acting Secretary of State Webb’s note of May 25 to the Romanian Minister restricting the travel of Romanian Legation staff members, see the editorial note, p. 1067.