264.1111 Vogeler, Robert A./6–2250: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Legation in Hungary
35. Urdes 635 June 22.1 Believe present impasse Vogeler negots which has followed upon Brit leak Vienna and resultant harmful publicity may now be prolonged indefinitely by unfavorable internatl situation unless we press Hungs for decision.2 In circumstances, while [Page 1018] we wish avoid breaking off negots so long as any real hope, however slight, remains of Hungs carrying out agreement reached on June 16,3 we feel we shld not allow Hungs keep matter indefinitely in suspense and by deliberate delaying tactics deprive us of freedom of action in case. Accordingly suggest, if you concur, that you see Berei at earliest opportunity and press for Vogeler’s release. You shld state that June 16 understanding constituted firm agreement, binding on both US and Hung Govts, for resolution this issue and that US Govt, reaffirming willingness carry out its undertakings this regard, calls upon Hung Govt to act in good faith by fulfilling its commitment to release Vogeler.
If Berei reverts to question radio interference, you shld reiterate firmly that this matter, which is obviously not germane to issues Vogeler case, was previously clarified as requested and at no time prior final agreement June 16 figured in negots as condition (ur 324 May 154) for Vogeler’s release.5
- Not printed; it transmitted a memorandum of Minister Davis’ conversation with Hungarian Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Berei on June 22 reported upon in telegram 407, June 22, from Budapest, p. 1016.↩
- In his despatch 41, July 19, from Budapest, not printed, Minister Davis reported that there had been no development in the Vogeler case since his conversation with Berei on June 22. (264.1111 Vogeler, Robert A./7–1950)↩
- Regarding the agreement of June 16, see footnote 2, p. 1012.↩
- Ante, p. 1007.↩
- Minister Davis subsequently recommended and the Department of State concurred regarding the advisability of refraining from bringing strong pressure to bear on Hungarian authorities in the Vogeler case and instead allowing the Hungarians to take the initiative in resuming the negotiations. In telegram 53, August 21, to Budapest, not printed, the Department observed that in view of the failure of Hungarian authorities to initiate renewed discussions, Davis was to approach the Foreign Ministry expressing the continuing concern of the United States Government regarding Vogeler’s situation and reaffirming the American willingness to carry out the understanding of June 16 (264.1111 Vogeler, Robert A./8–1950).↩