Editorial Note
At the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France at New York, September 12–18, the [Page 888] problem of Berlin was considered along with the more general problem of Germany. In preparation for this meeting the Bureau of German Affairs drafted a paper (SFM D–5/2) which was revised by a working group on August 28 and cleared within the Department of State as SFM D–5/2a for use in the tripartite talks at Washington, preliminary to the meeting.
Following the preliminary talks SFM D–5/2a was in turn revised as SFM D–4/4 and submitted to the Foreign Ministers. SFM D–4/4 contained recommendations for safeguarding the Western position in Berlin, a draft agreement on Berlin security, and a draft communiqué on Berlin. For texts of the draft agreement on Berlin security and the draft communiqué on Berlin, see volume III, pages 1282 and 1283. For documentation on discussions by the Foreign Ministers, see ibid., pages 1108 ff.