611.4094/7–2850: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1


672. As indicated Deptel 341, Dept principally interested in achieving mutuality understanding with Brit as to intent NSC 15/32 prior such implementation action as each country may consider essential (Embtel 608, Jul 283). Believe efforts Emb this regard have been successful although recognize questions interpretation will doubtless arise later regarding specific problem situations. It is not our intent or desire agree precise wording instrs each country will send its missions. In addition to required background info along lines Emb memo May 5,4 plus Recommendations NSC 15/3, Dept will send only minimal supplementary instrs, each tailor-made to situation vis-à-vis satellites in country or area concerned. Essentiality this flexible approach has been firmly underscored by recent internatl developments.

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Therefore, Depts initial instrs to missions in various areas world will conform fol gen pattern:

NEA and FE: At present time, as we believe no recognizable balance advantage wld now accrue from exchange air services with satellite states these areas, we will strongly urge maintenance present policy containment.
ARA: No special instrs required this area, NSC 15/3 wld be applied.
EUR: Dept will adhere to NSC 15/3 and will instruct along lines draft Brit instr.

Immaterial whether these specialized instrs considered “basis policy” or “implementation” questions but important, especially re: NEA and FE areas, that Brit fully understand our policy regarding application of 15/3 to air operations in various areas world.

Depts comments on specific points Embtel 608 as reflected above are limited to fol:

Point 5—Do not consider clearance with Brit any statement we may send to missions desirable or essential.

Point 6—Our gen attitude toward Israel and Southeast Asian area, is same as for remainder NEA and FE areas, i.e., containment.

  1. This telegram, which was drafted in the Office of Transport and Communications Policy and was concurred in by the geographic bureaus of the Department of State and by the Department of Defense, was repeated to the Legation in Switzerland and to Rapallo, Italy, where J. Paul Barringer, Director of the Office of Transport and Communications Policy, was serving as Chairman of the United States Delegation to the International High Frequency Broadcast Conference.
  2. January 5, p. 1.
  3. Following several months of intensive discussions between British and American officials in London regarding an agreed American-British satellite civil aviation policy, telegram 60, July 5, from London, not printed, reported that the Foreign Office had that day given the Embassy a copy of the draft British instructions on satellite civil aviation policy. The Embassy expressed the belief that the draft instruction represented agreement between the two governments on a revised joint course (611.4094/7–550). Telegram 341, July 19, to London, not printed, replied that the Department of State believed that the objectives of prior coordination with the United Kingdom were in general adequately achieved by the draft British instructions (611.4094/7–1750). Telegram 608, July 28, from London, not printed, reported that the British Foreign Office had approved the draft British instructions on satellite civil aviation policy following certain changes in the original text (611.4094/7–2850). Telegram 2347, October 24, from London, not printed, reported that the Foreign Office had delayed final approval of the instructions on satellite civil aviation policy in the hopes of obtaining a concurrent decision specifically listing Communist China as a satellite for the purposes of the joint course of action (611.4094/10–2450).
  4. Ante, p. 26.