The Secretary of State to the President of the Bulgarian National Committee (Dimitrov)1
My Dear Dr. Dimitrov: On behalf of the President, I have been requested to acknowledge the receipt of the Bulgarian National Committee’s message of felicitation on the occasion of this country’s celebration of its national independence on the Fourth of July.2 The Committee’s expression of understanding and support for the actions taken by the United States in defense of liberty and independence in Korea is greatly appreciated.
The people of the United States are motivated by a sincere desire to see liberty and freedom enjoyed by the peoples of all nations. They are aware that, following World War II, the people of Bulgaria were among the first to suffer under ruthless Communist suppression of liberty and freedom. Through the Bulgarian National Committee and the radio voices of the free world the Bulgarian people know that, in spite of the efforts of the Communist Government to isolate them by forcing a suspension of diplomatic relations, the United [Page 359] States Government will continue undiminished its concern for their rights and welfare.
Mindful of its expressed concern for the just aspirations of the Bulgarian people, the United States Government, through the United Nations, will continue its efforts to bring about the fulfillment of the pledge made at Yalta to assist in the establishment of freely elected governments. As the Committee is aware, the Secretary of State in a public address, recently reminded the Soviet Government of its obligations under this pledge to which Marshal Stalin also set his signature.
Sincerely yours,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
- This letter was drafted by Charles E. Hulick, Jr., of the Office of Eastern European Affairs, was also initialed by G. Frederick Reinhardt, Deputy Director of the Office of Eastern European Affairs, and had the concurrence in substance of Robert P. Joyce of the Policy Planning Staff. Regarding the preparation of this letter, see Hulick’s memorandum of July 14, p. 354.↩
- For the text of Dimitrov’s communication of July 4, see footnote 2, ibid. ↩