893.50 Recovery/8–1549
The Chinese Ambassador (Koo) to the Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Secretary: As you have been aware, the Chinese Government has been and is engaged in a strenuous effort to resist the Communist aggression carried on by a regime acting in the interest of a foreign Power which is bent upon achieving world domination. Although the Chinese Army has sustained a number of reverses in past months and been obliged to withdraw in several areas, the Chinese Government is firmly resolved to continue its struggle in order to preserve the independence of China and the freedom of the Chinese people. This purpose, my Government believes, is in full accord with the basic principles by which, according to your recent statement,72 the policy of the United States Government will be guided in regard to China and the Far East in general. Moreover, in recent weeks the morale of the troops has risen and their fighting has much improved.
2. The next six months, however, constitute a critical period in the continued efforts of the Chinese Government to stem the tide of Communist aggression. The success or failure of its struggle during this period may have a decisive influence and effect on the destiny of China and perhaps of Asia as well. The Chinese Government will continue to exert its utmost in the spirit of self-help but it is also in great need of aid and support from the United States.
3. No application for a continuation of military aid was made last March along with the request submitted for economic aid,73 inasmuch as it was the earnest hope of the Chinese Government that with the lull at the time in fighting, a truce could be arranged with the Communist leaders to be followed by a satisfactory peace settlement.74 But this objective was found to be unattainable due to the lack of good [Page 679] faith on the part of the Communists bent upon seizing control of the country by force and to their sudden resumption of hostilities against the Government troops.
4. At present, fighting is taking place in Kansu, Hunan, Kiangsi and Fukien Provinces. The line of defense which the Army is determined to hold extends from the Northwest down along the northern border of Szechwan Province and through Hupeh and Hunan into Kiangsi and Fukien to Foochow and the eastern coast.
5. The Chinese Government after a recent conference with the military leaders has adopted a unified system of command, an overall program of defense and attack, and a practical plan of coordinating the action of the various war areas as well as the action of the Navy and the Air Force with that of the Army. To help raise the morale of the armed forces, a part of the military pay is now being made in silver dollars. But with the limited financial and military resources at the disposal of the Chinese Government, there is a pressing need of American aid and support.
6. The special grants in aid75 extended by the United States Government to China under the China Aid Act of 1948 are deeply appreciated. This aid has been used for procurement of arms, ammunition and military supplies. The first shipment under this aid program reached China toward the latter part of November, and the bulk of the supplies arrived in Shanghai and Formosa in the first months of 1949. These were used effectively in the fighting in and around Shanghai which broke out in April of this year. They have also been of much help to the Chinese armed forces in the fighting which has been raging in Central and South China and in the North-western Provinces. Less than 50% are left and will soon be used up as the fighting becomes more intense and widespread. For this reason, more military aid, especially in the form of light arms and ammunition, aircraft and certain kinds of naval materials are urgently needed to enable the Chinese armed forces to continue the resistance against the Chinese Communist forces of aggression. The sum proposed for this purpose is $287 million.
7. Of this amount, $50 million is to cover costs of purchasing silver and coining silver dollars to be used as part of the military pay for Chinese troops and for a portion of their subsistence expense. This measure is highly desirable in order to raise the morale of the Chinese armed forces, as experience with the fighting of the Chinese forces in recent weeks has attested the importance of paying the soldiers, sailors and airmen in silver. Owing to the limited financial resources [Page 680] of the Chinese Government, it has not been possible to apply this practice to all the armed forces. But in the interest of sustained effective resistance to the Communist aggression, the need of the proposed item of military aid is both pressing and essential.
8. In order to promote confidence that the new aid, in whatever form it may be, will be put to the uses for which it is intended as effectively as possible, the Chinese Government proposes that a mission of military experts headed by a top-ranking representative be sent to China to assist the Chinese Government and the Chinese Army in the distribution and employment of the equipment and supplies thus procured. The Chinese Government considers this cooperation to be highly desirable and will welcome it.
9. As regards the need of economic aid, it will be recalled that on March 31, 1949, 1 addressed a letter to you submitting a program for continued economic aid. Although not having a reply yet to my letter, I understand that Congress has by Section 12 of Public Law 4776 (81st Congress) approved an extension of the period for using the balance of the China aid fund through February 15, 1950, and authorized the President to determine the manner, terms and conditions for using this aid. It is estimated that as of August 1, 1949, approximately $90 million out of the original $275 million fund for economic aid to China remains unobligated.
10. The economic situation, in the view of the Chinese Government, is as important as the military situation. The two fronts are intimately linked together and react upon each other. On account of the unfavorable developments in the military situation and the transfer of the seat of the Chinese Government from Nanking, revenue has considerably fallen off, while reductions in expenditure cannot be correspondingly great, thus enhancing the difficulty of balancing the budget. New measures and radical reforms have been carried out to cope with the financial stress, such as the considerable reduction of the personnel of the different departments of the Government and the reintroduction of the silver currency standard,77 thereby curbing to some extent the inflation of prices and the economic distress of the people. Nevertheless, economic aid is indispensable to tide over the situation for the next six months during which fighting to stop the Communist advance is expected to intensify.
11. It is therefore proposed that the balance of the economic aid fund be made available to further carry out the purposes of the China [Page 681] Aid Act of 1948 as extended and modified by Public Law 47 (81st Congress). In addition to a practical commodity program to help efforts toward economic stability, there is also an urgent need of using a part of the balance, namely, $40,000,000 for purchasing silver bullion from Mexico for coinage into silver dollars to finance (a) exports of strategic materials to the United States, such as wolfram, antimony, tin, tung-oil and bristles, and (b) purchases of indigenous products, such as rice and other food products for ECA rationing and distribution. On several occasions in recent months, I ventured to urge approval of this proposal by the United States Government, more particularly the request to use a portion of the balance for the purchase of silver for coining silver dollars. The Chinese Government continues to believe that this proposed use is within the purview of the China Aid Act of 1948 and, by virtue of Section 12 of Public Law 47 (81st Congress), it falls within the discretionary powers of the President.
12. It is the hope of the Chinese Government that the stop-gap program based upon the proposed availability of the unobligated balance of the ECA China aid fund will be accompanied by an interim program of aid for a period of six months from September 1, 1949, to sustain as a special measure the newly adopted silver currency standard. The reintroduction of the silver dollar as the currency has helped to restore public confidence to a considerable extent and to raise the morale of the fighting forces as well as that of the civilian population. In order to conserve and enhance this satisfactory result, it is necessary to relieve the drain on the dwindling reserve arising from the fiscal deficit by an interim aid program calling for US$36,000,000 for the above-mentioned period of six months.
13. In the event of the United States Government wishing to obtain fuller and more direct data regarding the financial, economic and currency situation in China before giving consideration to the proposed interim aid program, the Chinese Government will welcome a group of financial and economic experts to be sent to China as soon as possible. This group can be dispatched either as an independent unit or attached to the proposed military mission. This group, if dispatched, will receive the fullest cooperation of the Chinese Government in undertaking all necessary investigations and making recommendations to the United States Government regarding interim and post-interim aid requirements.
14. Accordingly, by instruction of my Government, I beg to submit two Memoranda, one on military aid78 and the other on economic [Page 682] aid,79 for the favorable consideration of the United States Government. The reasons for the respective amounts proposed and the uses to which they will be put in each field are fully explained therein. If any further information is desired to facilitate consideration of the request, my Government will gladly furnish it to the best of its ability.
15. I beg to add that if Congressional legislation is required for granting the proposed aid, it is the hope of my Government that the United States Government will see its way to obtaining such necessary legislation before the present session of Congress goes into recess.
With high esteem,
Yours respectfully,
- Issued on August 5 as press release No. 604; for text, see Department of State Bulletin, August 15, 1940, pp. 236–237.↩
- See the Chinese Ambassador’s letter of March 31, p. 671.↩
- For correspondence on this subject, see vol. viii, “Political and military situation in China”, chapter II.↩
- For correspondence on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. viii, pp. 73 ff., and ante, pp. 599 ff., passim. ↩
- Approved April 19; 63 Stat. 50, 55.↩
- See telegram Cantel No. 683, July 3, from the Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China, p. 793.↩
- For memorandum on military aid, see p. 529.↩
- Infra. ↩
- See telegram No. 641, November 4, 1935, 9 a. m., from the Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham), Foreign Relations, 1935, vol. iii, p. 629.↩
- Supreme Commander, Allied Powers in Japan.↩
- Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction. For correspondence on the establishment of this body, see Foreign Relations, 1948, vol. vii, pp. 601 ff.↩