894A.00/10–2349: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Strong)

TelCan 739. Reur Cantel 1221 Oct 23 reporting Li Tsung-jen desire be informed US policy Taiwan, Dept desires you seek suitable opportunity inform Li orally US views:

“The US Govt does not intend to commit any of its armed forces to the defense of the Island. It is concerned, however, lest the chaos of the mainland spread to Taiwan and believes that a higher level of polit and econ well-being must be provided if serious unrest is to be avoided and the legitimate aspirations of the population of Taiwan met. The previous misgovernment of Taiwan has been a cause for serious concern on the part of the US and there have been disturbing indications of unrest among the population of Taiwan as civilian refugees and mil forces have arrived in large numbers on the Island. The US attitude toward Taiwan will depend largely on the action of the present Chi administration in establishing an efficient admin which wld seek to bring to the people a higher level of polit and econ well-being. The resources of the Island, together with the material assets available to the Chi administration are believed to be sufficient to enable that admin substantially to improve conditions through its own efforts. Unless effective steps are taken initially by the Chi admin itself, external aid wld be of little benefit and wld be largely dissipated. The US Govt will, therefore, continue to watch with interest the efforts of the Chi admin to initiate those measures which are necessary to provide the basis for effective admin and effective utilization of the resources of Taiwan. While the US Govt will continue to furnish econ assistance to Taiwan under existing legis, the provision of any additional aid will depend upon the future performance of the Chi admin on Taiwan”.

You shld also inform Li that steps being taken convey these views to Gimo. During this conversation you shld be accompanied by Rinden19 to check accuracy of translation.

  1. Robert W. Rinden, Second Secretary of Embassy, temporarily detailed to Chungking.