894A.00/9–649: Telegram

The Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald) to the Secretary of State

446. Philip Huang (also known as Philip Ng), prominent among independence leaders and not to be confused with Peter Huang, called yesterday and made following statements:

True feeling of Formosans according to Huang is to rid island of all mainland Chinese. Formosans do not want Kmt, Communists or any other Chinese as rulers. Independence is their ultimate goal.

Chinese Communist agents have been entering Taiwan during past year and half and are working among students and other groups, recently taking line that Communists will grant Taiwan autonomy after defeat of Kmt. Huang claims many students believe this and there is growing feeling among Formosans that it might be advisable to use Communists as means of getting rid of Nationalist Government. This statement may be considered also as a veiled threat.

In reply to my question whether Taiwanese would cooperate with Kmt in resisting Communists if present government promised wide reforms and more participation in government by Formosans, he replied in negative and said nothing short of a miracle would make them forgive Kmt for past record or induce them to cooperate.

[Page 384]

Huang claims a Communist take-over soon is inevitable unless UN intervenes. Defeatist attitude growing daily is much in evidence. He is of opinion that Chinese armies on island will turn over to Communists and even thinks there is a strong possibility of them revolting against present regime upon fall of Canton.

Huang made no reference to US intervention or SCAP administration for Taiwan. He took line that UN should settle issue by removing Chinese administration and agreeing to an independent Taiwan.

Huang may sound alarmist regarding Communist take-over and predicted defections on Formosa. However, serious decline in morale evident during past few weeks. Defeatist attitude steadily growing accompanied by increasing animosity for Kmt. Island also rife with rumors of pending Communist invasion, local uprisings and possible defection Nationalist troops as soon as Communists attack. Situation is so confused that any prediction of future events would be ridiculous and anything may happen. No apprehension is evident among higher echelon Nationalist officials and Generalissimo’s headquarters, but I have been told by members my staff that lower ranking Nationalist Government officials expressing opinion Communist take-over Taiwan inevitable and apparently resigned to fate.
