894A.00/1–2749: Telegram

The Consul General at Hong Kong (Hopper) to the Secretary of State 45

20. Formosan League reports receipt urgent reports from leaders Taiwan asserting uprising imminent owing determination Formosans to forestall further development island as Kmt46 stronghold in face present Nanking crisis. Liao sending Philip Huang to Taiwan by air January 28 to investigate and attempt defer plans for uprising, immediate approval of which now sought by FLR47 leaders on island. Liao anxious for information Department’s attitude particularly if uprising occurs and whether possible SCAP intervene maintain order and take over control from Chinese. Asserts Communists now very active spreading rumors and increasing popular unrest and predicts Communists will participate in and attempt seize control uprising. Says FLR will do utmost prevent such control and to combat violent anti-US propaganda now featured by Communists.

As Liao frequently in past has suggested fall Nanking suitable moment for uprising, possibly disorders Formosa are imminent.

  1. Repeated by the Department to the Consul General at Taipei as telegram No. 8, January 28, 3 p. m.
  2. Kuomintang (Nationalist Party).
  3. Formosa League for Re-emancipation.