893.01/11–849: Telegram
The Consul General at Singapore (Langdon) to the Secretary of State
Singapore, November
8, 1949—5 p. m.
[Received November 8—9:13 a. m.]
[Received November 8—9:13 a. m.]
363. November 8 MacDonald9 invited same representatives mytel 339, October 26,10 to home last night to give account of Singapore Conference. Much same as Dening’s (see mytel 360, November 7) but made no mention Indochina discussion owing presence French Consul General, also brought out following points unsaid by Dening.
- (1)
- In case US should take different action in Mao recognition, conference recommended every effort be made to minimize difference by maximizing cooperation regional resistance to Communist expansion, economic, military and political aid to SEA countries, Point Four program,11 et cetera.
- (2)
- UK Government unlikely to disregard recommendation recognition view unanimity on it of conferees most competent to judge British interest each country.
Dening going Canberra 9th discuss conference with Foreign Minister. In Sunday talk said Bevin would ask Nehru in London to offer mediate between Karens and Dobis.