026 China/8–1649: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 966. Chu Chang-wei, Secretary-General [of] President’s office, tells me Chinese response our White Paper should have been made public 2 days ago as it had received final approval by Supreme Policy Committee and by cabinet. At that time, however, Generalissimo [garble] he wanted see draft. Everything was stopped and George Yeh65 took draft Taiwan for Generalissimo’s perusal. Generalissimo has dictated changes which must have approval Supreme Policy Committee and cabinet before being embodied in White Paper. Chu, who participated in discussion document here, says Kmt diehards such as Chen Li-fu endeavored unsuccessfully obtain strong language in Chinese response and it was probably at their instance Generalissimo intervened. Final consideration document took place this morning, but Chu believes it will retain its original friendly approach problem.

Sent Department, repeated Taipei 129.

  1. Chinese Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs.