393.1115/10–2849: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Taipei (Macdonald)77

411. In view of recent exchange of tels between ConGen and Com 7th Task Fit re evacuation non-essential Amcits from Formosa, and with particular ref ur unnrd tel Oct 1878 stating attempt will be made obtain departure such persons by ordinary means prior emergency, Dept desires know what steps if any being taken implement departure by ordinary means and whether normal shipping adequate handle evac.

View changed situation (Nanking’s tel to Dept 89 Jan 12,79 rptd Taipei) Dept desires ur comments re issuance general warning to Amcits this time. In view probable adverse effect morale Nat troops and officials and prestige ChiGovt resulting from public announcement such warning, believed advisable any warning this time be issued by confidential letter to Amcits or by oral means and evac carried out as unostentatiously as possible. Dept desires ConGen’s comments re warning along fol lines:

“Military developments along China coast make it appear possible that hostilities may spread to points hitherto peaceful with result that normal transportation facilities from Taiwan may be disrupted. Those remaining under such circumstances might be subjected to undue hardships. Accordingly, it is suggested that you give early consideration to desirability evacuation while normal transportation facilities remain available.”

  1. Repeated to the Embassy at Manila for attention of the First Secretary (Terry).
  2. Not printed.
  3. Ante, p. 1215.