393.1115/9–2549: Telegram

The Consul at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

4015. General Gordon sailed from wharf Shanghai September 25 approximately 0400 hours. Final passenger list 1322 persons but due late cancellations only 1220 embarked. Details not yet available re these persons so will give breakdown by nationalities subsequent telegram. Entire operation before entry ship and during stay port entirely satisfactory. From beginning authorities cooperated fully, no unusual delays experienced either handling through customs household effects and heavy baggage which passed before ship’s arrival, or embarking passengers and hand baggage. Ship sailed on schedule as set by APL. Communist authorities requested no outward cargo or passenger space on ship nor raised any objections small amount inward cargo aboard and no passengers. All formalities handled routine manner. Appears Communists went all out to make good showing especially during ship’s stay in port.

Master reports inward bound ship arrived fairway buoy September 23, 0704 hours local time. Challenged by aNtionalist warship (ex US [garble]), “Please tell me when you will leave Shanghai”, to which replied, “Expect depart September 25.” “Permission granted proceed up river 0714 hours.” Gordon did not stop, merely reducing speed during challenge. When speed resumed at 0714 warship soon left astern. Of interest to note Yangtze pilot boarded Gordon at Frisco and returned Frisco.

Following message just received from Navy Guam dated 0945 Shanghai time September 25, “Cleared Yangtze entrance for Hong Kong, made no contacts.”

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Sent Department 4015, repeated Canton 1129, Hong Kong 271, Taipei 308.
