393.0015/9–2249: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Strong) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 1142. APL here reports message stating Shanghai office claims that in order avoid trouble will be obliged to carry about 10 Chinese passengers designated by Communist authority. Although nothing exists in writing with Foreign Office, Chinese Government does expect Gordon not carry Chinese Communists.

Have suggested APL consult Department, but in meantime indicated that, in my own opinion, since ship would be in Shanghai under immediate Communist control, such passengers would probably have to be carried and explained to Nationalists as result of force majeure exerted by Communists. However, we had understood that all conditions for entry of vessel had been arranged in Shanghai and, in absence of word to contrary, that no major conflicts between Nationalist and Communist requirements existed.

Sent Department, repeated Taipei 173, Shanghai 545; by hand Hong Kong.
