195.91/9–2149: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Strong) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 1133. Reference telCan 685, September 18.69 General Gordon’s itinerary, markings, etc., communicated Foreign Office morning, September 20.70 Requested Foreign Office pass information to Chinese Navy, Air Force, other armed forces. Foreign Office agreed do so immediately. Chen Tai-chu expressed satisfaction successful outcome Gordon evacuation plans and remarked “just as information” that French Government is sending General Joffre (sailing from Hong Kong October 6) to Shanghai evacuate French nationals and that French Government had accepted all conditions set forth in identical note sent US, British and French August 24 regarding evacuation ships.

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Reference telCan 689, September 19, Embassy unable pass Department statement regarding Gordon to Foreign Office since not received. Master of Gordon has completed affidavit required by Nationalists, in absence of which Foreign Office stated it would assume APL preferred inspection procedure. In fact Foreign Office tried insist Gordon not leave Hong Kong until affidavit delivered. Affidavit given Hong Kong office Ministry Foreign Affairs 7 p. m. for telephonic confirmation to Canton.

Embassy unable confirm other details of Gordon Shanghai call view absence information whether APL accepts Chinese naval vessel. Master has no instructions to speak of nor has local APL office received communication from head office US on this point. Master verbally given background of whole case by Embassy for his guidance.

Foreign Office has requested reply to its note of August 24 “for the record”. Embassy plans give Foreign Office note whenever Department statement received but will make no reply Foreign Office note, merely state general terms on which Gordon calling Shanghai. Foreign Office obviously trying get in writing US acceptance of “closure”.

Sent Department, repeated Shanghai 441, Taipei 171, by hand Hong Kong.

  1. Not printed.
  2. The Department’s telCan No. 690, September 20, 3 p. m., reported the General Gordon planned to leave Shanghai on September 25 and arrive at Hong Kong on September 27 (195.91/9–1849).