195.91/9–1349: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Strong) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 1092. Matter telCan 661, September 9, repeated Shanghai 1839, Nanking 1078, discussed with Chen Tai-chu, head American section Foreign Office, who promised refer APL’s request higher authority and give us answer soonest. Chen himself stated he believed Chinese Government would be willing forego actual boarding and search of Gordon but would insist on some sort of escort through waters outside Yangtze estuary. Such escort would probably consist only of [Page 1336] passing in and out between Chinese naval vessels after giving visual signals. Chen stated Anchises left in such a manner without being boarded by Chinese Navy, but did give visual signals on entering area where Nationalists patrol. If Chinese Government accepts master Gordon’s affidavit, Chen believes they would free US Government responsible seeing APL fulfill terms thereof. He was told US could not assume responsibility.

Chen stressed again Nationalists request that vessel carry no cargo other than relief supplies and mail in and no outward commercial cargo. Outward passengers to consist only of persons with foreign passports. Chinese Government reserves right inspect vessel after it leaves Shanghai.

Chen stated that negotiations over clearance Gordon had been complicated exceedingly by changes in plans of APL at frequent intervals and requested that such changes in future be held to absolute minimum, implying that Nationalist Government was not disposed to consider many more requests for changes in Gordon’s scheduled type of passengers or freight carried, etc.

Chinese Government decision will be forwarded immediately when received.

Sent Department Cantel 1092; repeated Shanghai 534, Nanking 674.
