393.1115/7–1449: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Shanghai (McConaughy)7

1479. Dept recognizes that situation Shanghai becoming increasingly intolerable for certain Amer cits and that it may become necessary for US Govt to assist in arranging for evacuation facilities. Dept has also noted statement urtel 2755, July 14 that “great majority” business and missionary leaders of Amer community feel facilities for evacuation shld be made available.

First step toward arranging evacuation wld appear to be application for exit permits by all those Amers and other foreigners desiring leave Shanghai this time, step which Dept understands must be initiated by individuals themselves. As indicated reftel, n[umbe]r Amers in position evacuate might be substantially reduced because of inability obtain exit permits or reluctance abandon investments. Before transportation facilities cld be arranged, therefore, wld be necessary have fairly firm estimate nr Amers and other foreigners who wld be in position avail themselves such facilities.

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Dept recommends ConGen discuss matter on confidential basis with principal representative Amer community, perhaps President Amer Chamber Commerce, pointing out above considerations and suggesting that he through business and missionary organizations might get movement for exit permits started, reporting to ConGen re demand evacuation and outcome applications for exit permits. In event Amers encounter difficulty in obtaining exit permits, ConGen shld extend appropriate assistance. As Dept of opinion any evacuation from Shanghai shld be done on multilateral rather than unilateral basis, ConGen might suggest to rep Amer community that Chamber Commerce discuss question with opposite numbers other fon communities suggesting similar action for those desiring leave.

On receipt info re nr Amers and other fon natls desiring and in position evacuate, Dept will in consultation with other fon govts concerned endeavor arrange for suitable transportation facilities (probably ships) passage on which wld be paid by evacuees on strictly commercial basis. Dept wld also on same basis endeavor obtain assurances safe conduct from Natl Govt which, as indicated Cantel 814, July 24, rptd Nanking 540, Shanghai 458, wld likely be forthcoming. This connection, request report action being taken on Cantel 449, July 22, to Shanghai8 stating FonOff no objection Amers departing Shanghai on Anchises.

Hankow, Nanking requested make similar approach to rep Amer communities informing Dept and Shanghai re demand evacuation and progress obtaining exit permits.

  1. Repeated to the Consul General at Hankow, the Embassy in China, and the Embassy office at Canton as Nos. 45, 883, and telCan 500, respectively.
  2. Cantel No. 799 to the Department, p. 1271.