893.01/10–1049: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:58 p. m.]
4062. Approach Foreign Office re Deptel 3663, October 7, delayed until this afternoon in hope of seeing Dening who, however, failed to appear and Embassy official received by Scarlett, head FE Department. When approached along lines final substantive paragraph Deptel, Scarlett readily admitted delivery note Central People’s Government text of which identical with that given Department by French Embassy. His version substantially as follows:
Message originally drafted by Ambassador Stevenson and approved by Attlee in telegram to Nanking October 5 authorizing delivery appropriate time. At same time instructions pouched British Embassies Paris and Washington inform Quai d’Orsay8 and Department respectively. In delivering message CPG October 6, British ConGen Peiping acted too precipitously. Acc[ording] French Embassy, London, letter tantamount to de facto recognition and Foreign Office lawyers concur informally. However, Foreign Office official position will be message not meant to imply de facto recognition and meant merely as device establish informal relationship Communist authorities. Foreign Office believes CPG will not regard it as de facto recognition having gone on record it will not deal with any nation continuing recognize Nationalist Government.
Re Department view question might properly have been one for US–UK consultation, acc[ording] Bevin–Acheson understanding, Scarlett states subsequent receipt telegram from British Embassy, Washington, October 7 re above, he has read carefully records Washington conversations and in light of such records believes although question of de jure recognition requires consultation, consultation not contemplated [Page 119] in case of de facto recognition. He was profusely apologetic for any misunderstanding brought about by careless handling and promised closer cooperation in future.
Embassy notes not only Foreign Office but also British authorities Nanking, Washington and Peiping failed inform American colleagues in advance of delivery of note to CPG. Difficult escape conclusion such failure deliberate. Does Department desire further representation to Strang9 or Bevin on latter’s return, expected October 12?