893.00/7–749: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot)

1373. Urtel 2642 July 7, rptd Nanking 1464, EmbOff Canton 859, Peiping 192. Dept appreciative ur thoughtful analysis Shanghai situation and giving full consideration points raised urtel. However ur statement sec 10 para 2 that “numerous Americans were encouraged to remain in Shanghai as result of Dept’s specific instructions and were even promised preference in event of repatriation arrangements” not in accord facts.

In conversations with business representatives, as indicated Deptel 1691 Nov. 23,92 rptd Shanghai 2004, Dept did not specifically encourage Amers to remain Shanghai but merely indicated that no change contemplated in continued functioning Con estabs which wld be available extend what protection and representation possible to any Amers who had compelling reasons remain. (Dept refused in every case define meaning of “compelling”.) Re question further evacuation, Dept assured business, missionary and educational orgs that identical (not preferential) consideration wld be accorded their key personnel with regard evacuation in extremis or repatriation fol Commie occupation as ConGen staff in any arrangements which might be made (Deptel [Page 1266] 2078 Dec 2,93 rptd Nanking 1757). Dept made clear, however, that “evacuation in extremis” referred to situation possibly arising during interregnum and prior Commie takeover when Amer ships still able proceed Shanghai, and that no assurances cld be given re continuation communications or transportation facilities fol Commie occupation.
