893.01/10–1049: Telegram
The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Bacon) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 11—3:34 a. m.]
2240. Asuncion, who, as clerk in charge of archives, is sole representative Philippine Legation, has informed me that neither Legation [Page 116] nor Consulate General [at] Shanghai has received letter from Mao Tse-tung announcing formation People’s Government. No Philippine Consul Peiping. So far as we know, only other representative omitted is Papal internuncio. Mao attempted to deliver notice to Pakistan, October 3 to Juddin but desisted when he stated he was agent only to arrange for Embassy premises and would have no diplomatic character until Pakistan Ambassador to Nationalist Government should arrive.
Filipinos concerned over snub and think Chiang–Quirino Conference6 may be reason, etc. More likely is fact Soviets have no relations with Philippine Government. However, notice has been given Portuguese Minister and also Austrian.
This Embassy has received no notice of inquiry with respect Chile and other Latin American Governments.
Would appreciate summaries Department’s recent instructions Consulate General, Peiping, for own information and also for information friendly missions so far as permissible, as many deeply interested US attitude but uninformed except for VOUSA6a broadcasts.