893.00/11–449: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Strong)96
TelCan 745. Re Taipei’s 660, Nov 4, rptd Chungking 216, Hong Kong 66, and AirAtt97 Taipei’s Oil, Nov 5,98 being rptd Chungking Hong Kong Shanghai.
You are instructed seek appointment with FonMin99 and inform him orally of receipt this info from CAF. You shld state US Govt trusts that this info inaccurate or that it represents attitude irresponsible elements Taipei and not considered view Chi Govt, and you shld request assurances this regard. You shld add that US Govt wld view with serious concern any declared intention Chi Govt bomb US vessels either on high seas (Formosan Straits) or within Chi terr waters, whether those waters controlled by Natl Govt or Chi Commies; that US Govt wld consider any unprovoked attack on US shipping as act of utmost gravity and one not in consonance with relations friendly nations.
ConGen Taipei shld orally inform Chen Cheng1 above representations being made Chungking.