893.00/10–2649: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Strong) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 1228. Foreign Minister Yeh informed Embassy today Chinese Government to reconsider “closure” policy shortly in light of contiguity Chinese Communist territory and Hong Kong. Says he will strenuously oppose measures which without real military value affect seriously living of people in Communist area such as attempts bomb Kowloon-Canton railway or trains operating over it. His position amounts to virtual abandonment of “closure”.

We feel that with Chusan and Chinese [mainland?] threatened, Communists doubtless preparing “invasion fleet” for Formosa conquest and nature of waters in Hong Kong-Canton area,89 Chinese Navy with limited numbers of vessels of any range at all cannot now render effective closure of major ports.

Yeh added that Nationalist military authorities had earlier indicated Canton could be held until end of year and plans for closure were based this premise. He considered fall Canton most serious blow yet to Nationalist Government and blamed it primarily on lack understanding of logistics on part of military authorities who failed provide ships move additional of Liu An-chi’s forces from Hainan to plug gap at Kukong before Pai Chung-hsi forced by Communist offensive to return to Hengyang his troops formerly stationed that area.

Other reasons given for viewing seriously fall Canton were facts at least 2 million overseas Chinese have family homes Canton area and their support now probably lost to Nationalists and Chinese Government has now lost considerable income in form of overseas remittances.

Sent Department Cantel 1228; repeated Shanghai 567, Taipei 203, Hong Kong 50; Department pass Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong.

  1. Meaning of sentence not clear; presumably garbled in transmission.