
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs (Sprouse)

Mr. Meade called by appointment this afternoon and handed me the attached document,52 the substance of a telegram from the British Foreign Office dated August 4, regarding the delivery of relief supplies to Shanghai.

It will be noted that the British Government apparently proposes to instruct its representatives at Canton to approach the Chinese Government regarding the entry of ships into Shanghai “for the dual purpose of evacuating foreign residents and carrying relief supplies”. I pointed out to Mr. Meade that this telegram was rather vague in its reference to relief supplies, there being no indication that they were intended solely for the foreign community. I said that in my opinion it would be both unnecessary and undesirable to approach the Chinese Government in regard to the entry of a ship, or ships, into Shanghai until evacuation plans have proceeded to the point where we actually know the name of the ship and the date of its proposed departure for Shanghai. I said that I would, however, discuss this with Mr. Butterworth and let Mr. Meade know as soon as possible. He suggested that we give him a piece of paper indicating the type of instructions we would be prepared to issue to our representatives at Canton in this regard.

  1. Infra.