740.0011 PW (Peace)/5–1049
Memorandum by the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald) to the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Butterworth)1
[Washington,] May 10,
In my last interview with General MacArthur prior to leaving Tokyo, among other subjects discussed was the possibility of General MacArthur’s returning to the United States on a visit or for other reasons. In response to my question on this subject, he said that I am authorized on his behalf to state as follows:
“It is General MacArthur’s purpose to remain in Japan until his job is completed. He considers that the job will be completed upon the signing of a treaty of peace.”
- Submitted on May 11 to the Secretary of State by Mr. Butterworth as “of interest”. Mr. Sebald was on a brief consultative visit from Tokyo.↩