740.00119 Control (Japan)/4–2249: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1


Pls approach FonOff and indicate US Govt most desirous obtain internatl support its proposed policy introduced FEC April 21 “In view of the fact that one of the basic objectives of the occupation of Jap is to encourage the development in Jap of respect for the rights of other nations and to facilitate the progressive resumption by Jap of its normal internatl responsibilities;

“The FEC decides as a matter of policy that SCAP, subject to his discretion and continued control, should permit Jap to participate with other nations or groups of nations in such internatl relations, conventions, meetings, consular arrangements or other bilateral or [Page 714] multilateral accords as Jap may be invited to enter into, accede to, attend or participate in and as SCAP shall consider to be in the interests of the occupation.”

Upon introduction policy USRep made statement including fol points which you may wish to emphasize.

Potsdam Declaration envisaged establishment responsible Jap Govt. In Basic Post Surrender Policy FEC countries agreed to help Jap develop econ and cultural intercourse with other countries and bring Japs into permanent peaceful relationship with all nations. Also agreed ultimate objective establish democratic and peaceful Jap Govt which will carry out its internatl responsibilities and respect rights of other states.

Since democratic and responsible Jap Govt now established FEC countries should take leadership in supporting gradual and progressive resumption by Jap of internatl responsibilities under guiding hand SCAP. Realistic approach necessary in view delay Peace Treaty and lapse of almost four years since surrender.

Jap need benefits and guidance of direct contacts with other Govts and people. Participation by Jap in internatl relations will thus foster basic objectives and help dissipate vestiges of wartime hatred and bitterness. Furthermore allied nations and peoples will gain knowledge of new Jap through direct contacts.

SCAP has informed US such policy will further his objectives. Policy also desirable for improvement relations between Jap and all other countries.

You may also point out to FonOff that this is a problem which should not be approached from standpoint legal technicalities involving long and fruitless debates; but rather from standpoint of broad political implications of situation in Jap and in world at large. Peace continues to be denied Japs without blame on their part. There is growing uneasiness among Japs who face increasing hardship. The heavy burden upon limited US resources continues. Foregoing policy will be one step to decrease tension and to promote Jap trade and thus alleviate US burden. Japs will either move toward sound friendly relationships with non-communist powers or into association communist power system in Asia. To abandon Jap to latter and unreasonably to deny them entrance into relationships with our nations and peoples would be to undo our costly victory in the Pacific.

Please keep Dept informed results your efforts to gain support for proposed policy.

  1. At Canberra, Canton, London, Manila, New Delhi, Ottawa (by air), Paris, The Hague, Tokyo, and Wellington; repeated in telegram 277, April 29, to Moscow, with instruction: “Your presentation not contemplated but comment invited.” (740.00119 Control (Japan)/4–2949)