890.20/8–2449: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Philippines (Cowen) to the Secretary of State


2040. Reply from Jessup and Butterworth orally delivered Romulo August 22 (Deptel 996, August 19). While appreciative of contents, Modulo expounded at length on theme that SEA union will die unborn unless State Department is willing, if asked by representatives of countries of SEA and of Great Britain, to indicate that US approves project. He explained he conceives union as instrument assist US in struggle with advancing Commie power this part of world and that if US evinces lack interest nobody in SEA will have necessary confidence in union’s future.

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I suggested that struggle against aggressive Communism is fight of nations SEA no less than of US and reemphasized importance indigenous motivation and effort if SEA cooperation is to prove successful. While agreeing Romulo continually reverted his original theme. I therefore stated we would convey his ideas to Department prior his return Washington in order that officers with whom he wishes further discuss his plans for SEA union may be apprised in advance of his views.

Romulo appears to be only one who has any influence with Quirino on foreign affairs. I consider that he is completely sincere and is making every effort to straighten out situation here in accordance with his conversations with Department and to steer Quirino’s thinking along sound lines. I accordingly would greatly appreciate anything that Department can do to assist him.
