793.96/7–849: Telegram
The Chargé in the Philippines (Lockett) to the Secretary of State
1693. Embtel 1648, June 30 and Canton’s 693, July 6.1 President Quirino this morning informed me that he tomorrow will go Baguio, that Chiang Kai-shek is arriving here morning July 10 and that Chiang will proceed directly Baguio same morning. President let me scan note from Chinese Minister Chen Chih-ping regarding arrangements. According note Generalissimo will be accompanied by 10 persons, will remain 2 days and wished discuss both Sino-Philippine affairs and relations China and Philippines with other nations this area. Note also suggested joint statement be released upon Chiang’s [Page 1152] departure but emphasized desirability releasing minimum of publicity. Incidentally I have good reason believe Chinese Minister doing best keep visit secret long as possible and we accordingly are indebted President for advance information. In order that President may not come to feel his confidence has been abused, I would appreciate it if Embassy Canton would not pass above information Wu Tieh-cheng2 or other Chinese government official from whom it might be passed on to Chiang or Chinese Minister.
That Chiang may be contemplating visit other Asian capitals assist formation anti-Communist bloc would seem be borne out by July 6 INS story Seoul dateline quoting President Rhee as saying Chiang welcome visit Seoul discuss Pacific alliance.
It seems to us Chinese would have most gain from inclusion anti-Communist bloc Asian nations as she might thereby be able utilize Philippines, other states as instruments bring further pressure bear on US for material aid to bloc, good share of which might be expected accrue Chinese. However, it appears to us China, Korea desire Philippines take lead and pull their chestnuts from fire. This connection Under Secretary Foreign Affairs Neri July 7 in conversation officer Embassy confirmed press report that date that President Rhee had transmitted message through Dr. Luna, Philippine member UNCOK,3 to President Quirino urging him take necessary initiative for Pacific pact bloc. … we think he is likely do so.
Sent Department; repeated Canton 26.