740.00119 FEAC/10–749

The Secretary of State to the Chargé of the Soviet Union

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and refers to his notes of January 19, 1949 and February 9, 19491 regarding the applications, respectively, of Pakistan and Burma for membership in the Far Eastern Commission.

[Page 887]

The Government of the United States has been informed by the Ambassadors of Pakistan and Burma that the Soviet Government has advised them that it has no objection to the admission of Pakistan and Burma to membership in the Far Eastern Commission. In view of the fact, therefore, that in accordance with paragraph V, 1 of the Terms of Reference of the Far Eastern Commission, the participating powers, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and China, have now agreed to the admission of Pakistan and Burma, the Government of the United States intends to request the Secretary General of the Far Eastern Commission to issue an invitation in the near future to the Governments of Pakistan and Burma to become members of the Far Eastern Commission.

Copies of this note are being transmitted to the Ambassadors of Pakistan and Burma.

  1. Neither printed.