501.BC Indonesia/11–249: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Netherlands (Chapin) to the Secretary of State
1039. Hicus 88. Steering Committee had final session 3 to 7 p. m. November 1. Anak Agung said BFO not willing accept draft on right self-determination proposed for article 2 of “agreement on transitional measures.” As this stood close preceding session, Roem pointed out Republic objections thereto. Blom regretted Indonesian non-acceptance and argued Netherlands insistence on draft which would take care of situation such as Minahassa. Hatta limited debate this subject. When deadlock obvious, he set up Drafting Committee of 2 from each delegation plus myself. We were given 15 minutes but took hour and half to reach text which was approved by individual delegations and then by Steering Committee. Following is rough literal English translation thereof.
- 1.
- Division of Republic of USI into component states shall be established finally by Constituent Assembly in conformity with provisions of provisional constitution of Republic of USI with understanding that a plebiscite will be held among population of territories thereto indicated by Government of Republic of USI upon recommendation of UNCI or another organ of UN, under supervision of UNCI or other UN organ referred to, on question whether they shall form separate component state.
- 2.
- Each component state shall be given opportunity to ratify final constitution. In case component state does not ratify that constitution it will be allowed negotiate about special relationship towards Republic of USI and Kingdom of Netherlands.
Supomo promised foregoing text would be incorporated in Indonesia provisional constitution as article 189.
While we were meeting apart, Steering Committee added as paragraph VI to draft of covering resolution for plenary RTC session following provision taken verbatim from June 22 memorandum: “UNCI or another UN agency shall observe in Indonesia implementation of agreements reached at RTC.”
Netherlands delegation revived issue of TBA territories in Sumatra. Hatta said this subject had been discussed at length. Said areas under reference would soon find proper place in RIS with opportunity express their wishes in election and let it be determined whether actually is TBA problem.
Debate closed on this point.
Session then considered and accepted reports and results of various [Page 561] committees and determined manner in which documents would be submitted to plenary session. Documentation voluminous and several days may be required to complete copies and translations.
Excellent spirit pervaded close of session with congratulations exchanged. Stikker and Van Royen especially cordial in their thanks to me as were Indonesians. This was first session for Stikker to attend recently as he had been absent Paris He said Hoffman told him there that arrangements made to resume ECA aid to Indonesia soon as agreement reached. I confirmed had recommended Department issue statement to this effect soon as RTC successfully concluded. Stikker said any kind deeds and words we could offer soonest would be most appreciated.
Upon returning from session I found ECA Hague had phoned that Hirschfeld’s office had suggested their being given few days notice before announcement resumption of aid released. Have not had opportunity discuss this with Hunter but would strongly favor issuance announcement immediately after successful plenary session together with generous statement of US appreciation of results achieved and attitude of parties RTC. UNCI chairman Herremans will speak plenary session. I plan no statements. Signed Cochran.