501.BC Indonesia/1–1249: Telegram

The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup) to the Acting Secretary of State

secret   us urgent

32. Our telegram No. 30, January 12, contains suggested draft of resolution on Indonesia. In my opinion, general ideas contained in this draft represent substantial concession to necessary face saving of Dutch and practical minimum of what US position in this case requires, taking into account all elements. Department is aware that all delegations are looking to us for leadership in resolution. A resolution along foregoing lines would, in my opinion, attract very general support. Timetable and general situation in Council indicates strong desirability of clearance of a draft resolution by Department so that we may receive instructions by Friday morning with a view to consultation with other delegations before SC meeting Friday afternoon.

Consultations with other delegates today indicate that such a draft resolution would attract substantial support. In meeting late this afternoon with McNaughton and Cadogan,1 general ideas contained therein were discussed and full agreement reached in principle thereon. Specifically, McNaughton and Cadogan agree that resolution should express condemnation or displeasure concerning Dutch non-compliance with previous resolutions; that dates should be indicated for elections and final transfer of sovereignty; that release of political leaders in terms contemplated by draft resolution is essential and that Council could not possibly contemplate elimination of the Republic; that some formula on withdrawal in stages under UN supervision must be included; that some such provision as our draft suggestions on revision of GOC would be acceptable; that the Renville principles must be invoked; that there should be some provision regarding discontinuance of Dutch military operations. Only point in our draft in regard to which British expressed some reservation is direct reference to Cochran plan.

Earlier conversations today with Hood, Australia, and Rau, India, indicate that they also would support resolution along these lines. Hood has abandoned his former insistence on withdrawal to truce lines and welcomes suggestion of general nature included in our draft. Rau lays particular emphasis on importance of continuing existing personnel of GOC but considers question of change in its title and powers a matter of tactics in regard to which he would defer to our judgment.

Foregoing points have been discussed in conversations referred to [Page 148] above as general ideas following the line of our statement in SC yesterday and as not representing any official position. We have indicated the hope that we might have a draft ready for at least private circulation so that delegates could secure instructions over the weekend. Cadogan stated that if he could see our draft before he speaks in SC Friday afternoon, he would try to frame his statement in terms of support.

  1. Gen. Andrew G. L. McNaughton and Sir Alexander George Montagu Cadogan, Canadian and British Permanent Representatives, respectively, at the United Nations.