501.BC Indonesia/1–1249: Telegram

The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Acting Secretary of State

confidential   us urgent

68. Gocus 540. GOC had informal meeting this morning with Schuurman relative subject Gocus 535 and 537.1 Schuurman modified statement made yesterday that Sukarno, Sjahrir and Salim still at Brastagi but said they had been moved Prapat, Lake Toba, Sumatra. Schuurman said Netherlands preferred GOC visit be postponed day or two because of “talks arrangements et cetera” otherwise unexplained, relative Drees visit. GOC agreed go to Bangka Saturday and arrange Sumatran trip later. Hatta, Roem2 and Sastroamidjojo3 will be seen in Bangka. Round trip requires only one day.

NethDel agrees GOC as group may speak to individuals named without presence Netherlands officials. Schuurman stated Sukarno, Salim and Sjarhir have already given undertaking “to engage in no political activities for the time being”, thus in view NethDel, they could not address direct message to SC through GOC. However, Schuurman thought Netherlands would not consider any statement made to GOC by officials named which was made subject of report by GOC to SC as violation of undertaking. He will confirm this. Said he not yet informed as to whether Hatta, Roem and Sastroamidjojo have yet signed this pledge. If they have, they will be in position of three at Prapat as discussed above. If not, Schuurman not prepared to say what effect failure to give undertaking might have on GOC visit. This question he felt was purely speculative. Said Netherlands not prepared permit private individual talks between GOC members and individual Repub officials on occasion of visit. When it explained to him such talks if authorized would not be part of GOC report to SC but merely for information individual representatives and possibly their govts, he stated this different matter and he would take it up with his govt. GOC showed Schuurman letter from RepDel (sent Gocus 5394) but made no recommendation. RepDel request will be considered by Netherlands. If RepDel request not granted, Schuurman will advise later as to whether Netherlands has objection to GOC turning over its reports to detained Repub leaders. Schuurman will provide [Page 143] Netherlands plane Saturday. He will work on open questions and advise later today.

Schuurman’s attention was drawn to item Aneta this morning stating that in letter published Batavia Merdeka Leimena, Repub Health Minister, corroborated earlier Netherlands statement that he and ministerial colleagues Laoh, Kusnan and Djuanda have regained freedom of movement in Djocja. Leimena quoted as saying that Netherlands officials refused him and others permission rejoin their families in Batavia on ground they were not permitted to contact GOC. Schuurman did not deny truth this statement but said he had not heard of it and that it sounded like a “foolish” order of military authorities.

Leimena quoted in above denied Van Royen statement that he had been appointed head of Djocja medical service. He is working in hospital but has refused Netherlands official appointment. Signed Lisle.

  1. Telegrams 61, January 10, p. 137, and 65, January 11, p. 138.
  2. Mohammed Roem, chairman of the Indonesian Republic delegation to GOC until his house arrest and transfer to Sumatra from Java.
  3. Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo, formerly Indonesian Republic representative at the United Nations.
  4. Telegram 67, January 12, not printed; the Indonesian letter asked that contact with their government leaders be arranged.