740.00119 EW/10–1849: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Italy 1


2608. Alb now cut off from direct and communication with Sov bloc and Dept considers that Alb shld be prevented from augmenting its war potential in view threat to Greece and to maintenance Yugo strength vis-à-vis Sov bloc.2 In light special situation in Alb, pursuit of this objective implies prevention shipment of 1A items and restr movement 1B items to Alb whether from points of origin in [Page 160] Western Eur, US or Sov bloc countries other than Alb. Since this wld involve restricting transshipment to Alb thru Western Eur 1A and 1B items originating Sov bloc country such as Czecho, it is recognized as going beyond policy generally established on security trade controls which ordinarily wld not attempt restr movement war potential commodities from one portion Sov bloc to another. However, special situation in Alb is believed to justify special effort in Alb case.

Accordingly, Dept and Brit FonOff have requested AMG Trieste prevent further sales 1A items and restr sales 1B items to Alb and prevent as far as possible transit such items to Alb. AMG has refused renew Budo’s permission remain Trieste in view unauthorized activities. (Ihsan Budo unofficially stationed Trieste by Alb Govt in Mar 1949 to facilitate movement reparations from Ger to Alb. Dept acquiesced on condition he engage in no undesirable activities, but subsequently learned Budo purchasing ships, other supplies for Alb and arranging movement supplies from Czech to Alb via Trieste.3) In view fact Budo now reported to be moving either Venice or Home (Trieste tels 710 Sep 28 rptd Rome 133 and 761 Oct 18 rptd Rome 1394) and in view objectives outlined above re Alb Dept herewith instructs AmEmbassy Rome to explain foregoing background to Ital Govt for such action as Ital Govt may consider appropriate to prevent movement 1A items and restr movement 1B items to Alb via Italy. In discretion OSR, Paris, govts of such other ERP countries as may have significant commercial relations with Alb may also be informed with request for cooperation. In view importance Aust as transit area for trade between Czech and Alb, AmLeg Vienna shld outline above situation to Aust Govt and request their cooperation to extent practicable in limiting shipment across Aust of 1A and 1B items destined for Alb.

  1. This telegram was repeated to Vienna as 1296, to Paris for Harriman as 4033, and to Trieste as 535. The substance of this telegram was contained in a circular telegram, October 24, 2 a. m., sent to 10 other European missions, not printed (800.00 Summaries/10–2449).
  2. Documentation regarding the Albanian role in the Greek civil war is scheduled for publication in volume vi. For documentation on the attitude of the United States toward the Albanian regime, see pp. 298 ff.
  3. Telegram 536, October 21 to Trieste, repeated to Rome as 2609, not printed, explained that the Department’s objective in wishing to have Budo barred from entry into Trieste was to prevent supplies having military potential from reaching Albania (740.00119 EW/10–1849).
  4. Neither printed.