800.01B11 Registration/9–2949
The Chief of the Foreign Agents Registration Section of the Department of Justice (Foley) to the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs of the Department of State (Reinhardt)
Re: Amtorg Trading Corporation
Dear Mr. Reinhardt: As you have been advised previously, this Section sent a letter to Amtorg Trading Corporation on August 29, 1949, reminding it again of its obligation to file a registration statement with this Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. A copy of this letter has been furnished to you for your files.
By letter dated September 16, 1949, signed by A. Zakharov,1 President, Amtorg Trading Corporation stated that it wished to reiterate the position which it took in its letter of March 13, 19472 to the effect that Amtorg Trading Corporation carries on purely private, non-political, financial and mercantile activities solely in furtherance of bona fide trade and commerce with commercial organizations in the U.S.S.R. In view of this claim, Amtorg again stated that it believes the provisions of Section 3 (d) of the Foreign Agents Registration [Page 762] Act applied to it and therefore Amtorg Trading Corporation is not subject to registration.
Sincerely yours,